Fifteen - Perfection Lyrics

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Artist: Fifteen
Song Title: Perfection
Visits: 670
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The brain tends to divide between what's yours and what is mine

And what it believes to be wrong and right

The brain does not seem to know that we all share the same home

And existence is a fact it's not a right

The land is the land, the sky is the sky, the water belongs to all of us

And I can find no reason to mutilate our mother with fences and borders

And obsessive thinking, of proving our individuality

Yeah, so what can you do when your fellow man, criminalizes your plan

For getting by, and the presence of your body means you've acted

Irresponsibly, and you've failed to be born before all the world was taken

Yeah, and you got nowhere to call home, on a globe, 22,000 miles around

And gravity breeds illegality cause it'll always bring you down

On someone else's piece of ground

The brain seems to think with enough manipulation

The brain could be master of the sea, the land, the sky

The poor little brain could not seem to realize

That no measure of intelligence could ever improve upon

The land is the land, the sky is the sky, the water belongs to all of us

And I can find no reason to mutilate our mother with fences and borders

And obsessive thinking, of proving our individuality

Yeah, we can put a man on the moon, but that won't help us

When the ground's too poisoned and there ain't water enough

Left to grow our food

And rhinoplasty and transplanted hair will keep us sexy

As we slowly die from poisons in the air we breathe

Yeah, we can build a town in half a day, blow each other all away

Go home latter on that day, watch it all on the evening news

Despite our age of information, It won't help us without wisdom

And all our ingenuity, has only brought us to the brink of Annihilation

Technology cannot replace responsibility

And 55(m.p.h.) don't justify our own poisoning

And progress seems like backwards lies, cause we all started off with paradise

So leave your mark on our world by leaving no mark at all(moreno)

Maybe it's security Maybe it's simple amibition

Maybe it's insanity Maybe it's just good old tradition

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