Fifth Dimension - Living Together, Growing Together Lyrics

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Artist: Fifth Dimension
Song Title: Living Together, Growing Together
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Fifth Dimension - Living Together, Growing Together

Start with a man and you have one.
Add on a woman and then you have two.

(James & Chorus)
Add on a child and what have you got?
You've got more than three.
You've got what they call a family.

Living Together, Growing Together, just being together,
that's how it starts.
Three loving hearts all
pulling together, working together, just building together,
that makes you strong.
If things go wrong we'll still get along somehow,
living and growing together.

It just takes wood to build a house.
Fill it with people and you have a home.
Fill it with love and people take root.
It's just like a tree
where each branch becomes a family that's
Living Together, Growing Together, just being together,
that's how it starts.
Three loving hearts all
pulling together, working together, just building together,
that makes you strong.
If things go wrong we'll

still get along somehow,

living and growing together.

Living Together, Growing Together, just being together,
that's how it starts.
Three loving hearts all
pulling together, working together, just building together,
that makes you strong.
If things go wrong we'll still get along somehow,
living and growing
just like we're doing now, together.

Living Together, Growing Together Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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