Final Fantasy - Suteki Da Ne (Translation) Lyrics

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Artist: Final Fantasy
Song Title: Suteki Da Ne (Translation)
Visits: 649
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My heart was swimming
in words gathered by the wind.
My voice bounded
into a cloud-carried tomorrow.

My heart trembled
in the moon-swayed mirror.
Soft tears,
spilled with a stream of stars.

Isn't it wonderful?
If we could walk, hand in hand,
I'd want to go
to your town, your home, in your arms.

I dream of being
against your chest,
my body in your keeping
disappearing into the evening.

Words halted by wind are
a gentle illusion.
A tomorrow torn by clouds is
the voice of a distant place.

My heart that had been
in a moon-blurred mirror that flowed,
Those stars that trembled and spilled
cannot hide my tears.

Isn't it wonderful?
If we could walk, hand in hand,
I'd want to go
to your town, your home, in your arms.

My dream of your face,
that I softly touch,
melts in the morning.

Suteki Da Ne (Translation) Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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Other Final Fantasy song Lyrics
  • 1,000 Words (English Version)
    "I know you're hiding things, useing gentle words to shelter me.
    Your words were like a dream, but dreams could never fool me.
    Not that easily.
    I acted so distant, didn't say goodbye before you left...."
  • 1,000 Words
    "Kimi no kotoba wa
    Yume no yasashisa kana?
    USO wo zenbu
  • 1000 Words (Straight From The Game)
    "I know that you're hiding things
    using gentle words to shelter me
    your words were like a dream
    but dreams could never form me......"
  • 1000 Words (Translation)
    "All your words
    Seem gentle in my dreams
    But they're lies...
    And I turn away..."
  • 1000 Words English Version By Koda Kumi
    "I know that you're hiding things,
    using gentle words to shelter me.
    Your words are like a dream.
    But dreams could never fool me,..."
  • 1000 Words Jade (Orchastrated)
    "I know that you're hiding things
    Using gentle words to shelter me
    Your words were like a dream
    But dreams could never fool me..."
  • 1000 Words(Orchestrated)
    "I know that your hiding things
    Using gentle words to shelter me
    Your words were like a dream
    But dreams could never fool me..."
  • 1000 Words-English Version Straight From Game
    "I know that your hiding things
    Using gentle words to shelter me
    Your words were like a dream
    But dreams could never fool me..."

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