Finch - Stay With Me Lyrics
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Finch Singer Lyrics
Stay With Me Song Lyrics
What It Is To Burn (2002)
Song Title:
Stay With Me
Rock: Alternative
Print Version
Once again your eyes
Make it hard to say goodbye
So I'll just keep driving
Where you wanna go
It doesn't really matter
As long as you are here with me
With me
With me
There's something in the air tonight
Something that makes me feel alive
And I said whoooa
What were the words that you said to me
That made me feel so special now
Once again your eyes
Make it hard to ask you why
So I sit here knuckles tight
Hands against the wheel
Your head against the glass
And you mean so much to me
To me
To me
There's something in the air tonight
Something that makes me feel alive
And I said whooa
What were the words that you said to me
That made me feel so special
Stay with me
Cigarettes in open air
Hand in hand
And I said stay with me
Cause every star that I see
Is brighter than the last
So stay with me
Cigarettes in open air
Hand in hand
And I said stay with me
Cause every star that I see
Is brighter than the last
So stay with me
Cigarettes in open air
Hand in hand
And I said stay with me
Cause every star that I see
Is brighter than the last
So stay with me
Cigarettes in open air
Hand in hand
And I said stay with me
Cause every star that I see
Is brighter than the last
So stay with me...
Stay With Me Lyrics
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Other Finch song Lyrics
Perfection Through Silence
"Alone at last, together in a photograph
Our eyes are always open,
Devoted to perfection...through silence.
What am I supposed to do?..."
Letters to You
"Can't you see that i wanna be
there with open arms
It's empty tonite and i'm all alone
get me through this one..."
"Today is just like all the others
I'm not alright, I've cried my last tears
You've got me waiting by myself
I've never wanted more than this..."
New Kid
"I'm on my way back home
but I've lost my way I've gone astray
now I'm on my way back down that road
They'll let me in from the cold..."
Bitemarks And Bloodstains
"And will this day be forever
Tell me lover what will become of the others
skin of flesh
waste a tear don't tell these lies..."
New Beginnings
"Hand me downs and photographs spread across the floor
A broken record spins in circles, she can't listen anymore
She's turned around a thousand times
She's set that bridge afire..."
Post Script
"I wish it didnt hurt, hurt like this, to say these things to you
I'll sacrifice one moment for one truth
If we get through tomorrow then well be fine
We?ll wait for forever and see how close we get..."
Grey Matter
"Bite the tongue
To live with what you've done
It's so good
It's so good..."
if you want to see other song lyrics from "What It Is To Burn" album, click "
Finch Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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