Finn Neil - Faster Than Light Lyrics

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Artist: Finn Neil
Song Title: Faster Than Light
Visits: 675
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Close your eyes go to sleep
Close your eyes get so dizzy
World is spinning in your bed
I know where the sun goes
It's waking up the sparrows
In England it's morning
In time you'll see that some things
travel faster than light
In time you'll recognise
that love is larger than life
Now you know what you're missing
Now you've seen that I'm willing
If you're looking for the message
Close your eyes
Do you hear what I'm thinking?
Is it how you imagined?
In time you'll see that some things
travel faster than light
In time you'll recognise
that love is larger than life
And praise will come to those whose kindness
leaves you without debt
And bends the shape of things
that haven't happened yet
Close your eyes
Colours changing like a lizard
Close your eyes
I know where the sun goes
I have seen the world turning
In time you'll find that some things
travel faster than light
In time you'll recognise that love is larger than life
And praise will come to those whose kindness
leaves you without debt
and bends the shape of things to come
that haven't happened yet

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  • Dream Date
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    Wherever you are, you don't have to stay
    Old and wise, lion's eyes
    I wish you were here to give me advice..."
  • Driving Me Mad
    "Deadlines again
    Feel like hiding out
    No sign of comfort yet
    Have a nap while no ones looking..."
  • Elastic Heart
    "Spring back elastic heart
    We are not angry now
    Somehow we both dissolve
    All our weight is gone..."

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