Fist Raised - Get This Right! Lyrics

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Artist: Fist Raised
Fist Raised Author
Album: Dedication (2002)
Fist Raised - Dedication Album
Song Title: Get This Right!
Genre: Rock
Visits: 711
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It doesn't matter if we stand behind, if we play grind, or if we get unsigned.

It's not a fancy dream about a supremeteam that screams about fighting regimes.

Ten years passed by and you ran along.

You ran along with your fucking urge to belong.

When will you get this right?

Its not a fanatic rite.

Its only a name in the theatre light.

Its not about a cool website.

When will you get this right?

Its not a fanatic rite.

Its only a name in the theatre light.

Its not about acting like a rock star at night.

Dedication is essential to succeed.

Anticipation is all you need.

Guess its time for us to explain how we fill ourselves up with the energy to


You play in a band and you want to expand but you misunderstand.

you're aiming at fame and you want to lay claim but you should be ashamed.

Struggling to get into a fucking nice review.

Looking for a camera lens that can capture a picture of your crew.

Still the same need for fame and a stage name.

I cannot explain the feelings i have for you.

Feeding the clothing store, so unsure when we're on tour.

You better start running again or you'll end up in the slow lane.

You think its about profit and loss, sucking up for the boss.

You're acting like everything is for sale

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Other Fist Raised song Lyrics
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    Where did I loose it.
    I?m so ashamed.
    We lost the touch somewhere on this ride...."
  • Envy Is Dangerous
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    We have our respective needs follow them up it's easier than it seems.
    Don't let anyone pull you down...."
  • Twisted Debate
    "Please come join the action
    It doesn't matter if you're smaller than a fraction.
    Let's break the armistice.
    Together we're stronger thats my advice...."
  • Breaking Me Up
    "All this is breaking me
    Same old story, same old history
    And I'm wondering will this ever end
    Will I be able to trust in my friends?..."
  • Different But The Same
    "Can you turn away from the TV everyday ?
    Do you go to bed in time.
    And do you work the next day ?
    Can you throw away your cigarettes for good ?..."
  • Go Away
    "Your ego's stepping on my toes.
    Never been this close to sin even though I don't believe in symbols.
    You have to answer for yourself.
    Hate combined with ignorance makes one furious...."
  • The Models On TV
    "Using money to convey power.
    Using money to convey dominance.
    We will restrict our intake of lies until we are completely innocent.
    When media constructs the norms and values of a culture and you're following them blind and stupid...."
  • New Direction
    "What do you mean it's time.
    Time for me to grow up ?
    I don't want any part.
    It's right to follow my heart...."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Dedication" album, click "Fist Raised Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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