Flames In - Embody The Invisible Lyrics

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Artist: Flames In
Flames In Author
Album: Tokyo Showdown: Live In Japan 2000 (2001)
Flames In - Tokyo Showdown: Live In Japan 2000 Album
Song Title: Embody The Invisible
Genre: Rock
Visits: 633
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I demand nothing, but I want it all
what privilege do we have under the sun,
that gives us the right to the throne?

species come and go, but the earth stands forever fast
all river runs towards the sea, but the sea is never full

to discover the loneliness and be to proud to show the wounds
will forever wander alone through the years

but I won't let you near
begging for you to understand
the fear that lives in my soul
which is an untouched spring

read, what is written on the silent mouth
what is written in the soul
for which is written in the shining silence
we all have to read

my body will be bent from the burdens
when the shaking floor of life-force
reveal its chasm underneath
if only one could be two steps ahead

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Other Flames In song Lyrics
  • Reroute To Remain
    "It started as a whisper
    Now try to dodge this roar
    Unified, the most forceful way to go
    Waste this one?..."
  • System
    "I cannot frame, that's why I lose control
    I aim, I stumble and I fall
    Our adaptation can't be faithful
    Your world does not attract me..."
  • Drifter
    "It's hard to believe
    You could be such a disease
    I can no longer separate what is real
    Hope that fate will find me safe..."
  • Cloud Connected
    "People like you
    You live in a dream world
    You despise the outside
    And you fear you're the next one..."
  • Transparent
    "Consume all the obscene
    Persuade the most hideous and ugly
    Under every pile and stone
    A rebirth, for you to find..."
  • Dawn Of A New Day
    "The thoughts of yesterday forgotten
    I like the way this new skin feels
    Bring me splinters of tomorrow
    Collect the parts where I win..."
  • Egonomic
    "A mass illusion
    Blind men in a line
    They smother their fires with gasoline
    A stranger's contribution..."
  • Minus
    "Drug me, infiltrate my never land
    Like the floodtide drowning the shore
    Drug me, you're all over me
    Watch my blood begin to boil..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Tokyo Showdown: Live In Japan 2000" album, click "Flames In Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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