Flatts Rascal - Some Say Lyrics

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Artist: Flatts Rascal
Flatts Rascal Author
Album: Rascal Flatts (2000)
Flatts Rascal - Rascal Flatts Album
Song Title: Some Say
Genre: Country
Visits: 754
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(Don Pfrimmer/Danny Orton)

There's that star, the one they said we'd never reach
And just close your eyes
There's the missing moon, there's the Milky Way
Heaven's straight ahead, We'll be there today
Rainbows right and left, sunshine everywhere
If it couldn't be baby, how did we get here

Some say we'll never get off the ground
Some say we'll never make it out of town
That someday we'll end up a world apart
And some say we're a couple crazy kids
And some say that's exactly what they did
And I say you got to go with your heart
And baby, look where we are

There's that home, the one they said we'd never share
And just close your eyes
There's a picket fence, there's our mailbox
Puppy on the porch and roses up the walk
Shinny new minivan, kids in every seat
Someday we'll look back and say it wasn't just a dream

Some say we'll never get off the ground
Some say we'll never make it out of town
That someday we'll end up a world apart
And some say we're a couple crazy kids
And some say that's exactly what they did
And I say you got to go with your heart
And baby, look where we are

Some say we'll never get off the ground
Some say we'll never make it out of town
That someday we'll end up a world apart
And some say we're a couple crazy kids
And some say that's exactly what they did
And I say you got to go with your heart
And baby, look where we are

Some say- oh, oh
Some say
Some say, yes they do, some say
Oooo, Oooo, Oooo, Oooo
Some say, some say, some say
Some say, someday, some say

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Other Flatts Rascal song Lyrics
  • These Days
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    Wow, your hair got so long
    Yeah, yeah I love it, I really do
    Norma Jean, ain't that the song we'd sing..."
  • Too Good Is True
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    The way that we connect..."
  • I Melt
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    When you light those candles
    Up there on that mantle, setting the mood
    Well, I just lie there staring..."
  • Mayberry
    "Than it did in the old days
    So naturally, we have more natural disasters
    From the strain of a fast pace
    Sunday was a day of rest..."
  • Love You Out Loud
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    I have always been a little shy
    I've always been the quiet type till now
    And I never let my feelings show..."
  • Dry County Girl
    "Written by Marcus Hummon, Chuck Jones
    A tall drink of water in a cotton dress
    That preacher's daughter, she sure is blessed
    As sunlight passes through the fabric so soft..."
  • Like I Am
    "Written by Joe Don Rooney, Danny Orton
    Lying here with you
    I watch you while you sleep
    The dawn is closing in..."
  • Fallin Upside Down
    "There's no gravity up here
    It's kind of hard to explain
    Every time I'm holding you
    It's like backwards rain, yeah..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Rascal Flatts" album, click "Flatts Rascal Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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