FRANK ZAPPA - Cops & Buns Lyrics

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Album: Lost Episodes (1996)
FRANK ZAPPA - Lost Episodes Album
Song Title: Cops & Buns
Genre: Jazz
Visits: 758
Print Version

Patrolman Lefemine:
Now, we don't come up here because we feel like walkin' four flights at three o'clock in the morning.

Frank Zappa:

Patrolman Lefemine:
We were up here last night. (bark, bark) Now for us-

Frank Zappa:
Last night?

Patrolman Lefemine:

Frank Zappa:
I wasnt here last night.

Patrolman Lefemine:
Now for us to continually come up to this here place every night and not show no action other than to say, yes theres a , we look kinda bad. I mean. lets be honest. Now if you had to give me any kinda reccomendation, or mark my word, a mistake, every night, 3-4, 2-4, betwen those hours you guys are at 53 E 10 st, what are you doin there every night? You mean you-you permit this kinda condition to continue on without once giving a summons?

Alright, your lawyer says to knock it off!

Patrolman Lefemine:
Uh, were puttin ourselves over backwards with these people. Do you know what were doin? Do you know what were doin?

Frank Zappa:
No, tell me. No, please tell me.

Patrolman Lefemine:
Well this is, if were up here once were up here twenty times. I know that little guy, like the guy at a long-lost brother. Now if we ever get called down, if this ever goes to a big explosion, and they say, Officer, what did you do, did you ever issue summonses?, they get ... this is all in the rekkid book, how many times we been up here. This is all rekkids...

Frank Zappa:

Patrolman Lefemine:
Now if these people wanna subpeona these rekkids, they could subpeona these rekkids. An they could find out how many times we been.. this is us on- Wait! This is us alone! An they say, Officer, what did you do? Warn em? You mean to tell me you were up here about twenty times an you never issued a summons?

There have been summonses.

Patrolman Lefemine:
Well, WE never issued em! How many summonses have you gotten for noise? Unknown:
What, me personally, or the studio?

Patrolman Lefemine:
The studio, studio. Unknown:
I don't know how many, but theres a court case pending right now..

We've gotten one.

Patrolman Lefemine:
One! One! And how many times have I, eh, uh, hey listen! As I say, if I been up here once Ive been up here twenty times already.

Frank Zappa:
Hey look, stop it, pack that stuff up, stop making noise you guys!

Yeah, well, I understand

Patrolman Lefemine:
Well, whose in charge here at the studio?

here he is
In charge?

Patrolman Lefemine:
IN charge
He's more or less in charge

Patrolman Lefemine:
Are you in charge? I don't run the studio.. I jus..

Patrolman Lefemine:
Alright, listen, lemme tell you one thing
I'm in- I'm in charge

Patrolman Lefemine:
Youre in charge at this point

Patrolman Lefemine:
My name is Patrolman Lefemine

Frank Zappa:
Here, have a BUN.

Patrolman Lefemine:
Now, as of tonight, right

Frank Zappa:
You wanna BUN?

Patrolman Lefemine:
If I come back here, and every night that I do come back here, I don't care who says he's in charge, I will issue a summons

Frank Zappa:
I'm issuing you a bun

Patrolman Lefemine:
An anybody thinks its a great joke, you can all laugh in the car... We havent put out one hit record yet? My goodness. It takes a long time. You know what I mean.

Patrolman Lefemine:
This is ridiculous!

Frank Zappa:
Are you sure you don't want one o those breakfast rolls on your way down the stairs?
You better believe that I don't want nuthin
Who gets-who gets the summons, is the the organization?

Patrolman Lefemine:
Whoever it is in charge at the time. He could say Joe Blow, I don't care what kind of a name he gives. Then if the courts decide if they wanna know who he's takin orders from, theyll summons that person to court. Thats all there is to it.
Alright. Take care.

Frank Zappa:

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