FRANK ZAPPA - Dinah Moe Humm Lyrics

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Album: You Can't Do That On Stage Anymore. Vol. 6 (1992)
Song Title: Dinah Moe Humm
Genre: Rock: Alternative
Visits: 1776
Print Version

Terry Bozzio (drums)

Roy Estrada (vocals, bass)

Adrian Belew (guitar)

Ed Mann (percussion)

Patrick O'Hearn (bass)

Tommy Mars (keyboards)

Peter Wolf (keyboards)

One two three four

I couldn't say where she's comin' from,

But I just met a lady named Dinah-Moe Humm

She stroll on over, say look here, bum,

I got a forty dollar bill says you can't make me cum

No way!

(Y'jes can't do it)

She made a bet with her sister who's a little bit dumb

She could prove it any time all men was scum

I don't mind that she called me a bum,

But I knew right away she was really gonna cum

(So I got down to it)

I whipped off her bloomers'n stiffened my thumb

An' applied rotation on her sugar plum

I poked'n stroked till my wrist got numb

But I still didn't hear no Dinah-Moe Humm,

Dinah-Moe Humm

Dinah-Moe Humm

Dinah-Moe Humm

Where's this Dinah-Moe

Comin' from

I just spent three hours

An' I ain't got a crumb

From the Dinah-Moe, Dinah-Moe, Dinah-Moe

From the Dinah-Moe Humm

I got a spot that gets me hot

But you ain't been to it

I got a spot that gets me hot

But you ain't been to it

I got a spot that gets me hot

But you ain't been to it

I got a spot that gets me hot

But you ain't been to it

And I can't get into it

Unless I get out of it

An' I gotta be out of it

To get myself into it

'Cause I can't get into it

Unless I get out of it

An' I gotta be out of it

Before I get into it

(She looked over at me with a glazed eye

And some bovine perspiration on her upper lip area

And she said...)

And here's what she said:

Just get me wasted

An' you're half-way there

'Cause if my mind's tore up,

Well, then my body don't care

I rubbed my chinny-chin-chin

An' said my-my-my

What sort of thing

Might this lady get high upon?

The forty dollar bill didn't matter no more

When her sister got nekkid an' laid on the floor

She said Dinah-Moe might win the bet

But she could use a little (OW!) if I wasn't done yet

I told her...

Just because the sun

Want a place in the sky

No reason to assume

I wouldn't give her a try

So I pulled on her hair

Got her legs in the air

An' asked her if she had any cooties in there

(Whaddya mean cooties! No cooties on me!)

She was buns-up kneelin'


I was wheelin' an' dealin'


She surrender to the feelin'


An' she started in to squealin'

Dinah-Moe watched from the edge of the bed

With her lips just twitchin' an' her face gone red

Some drool rollin' down

From the edge of her chin

While she spied the condition

Her sister was in

She quivered 'n quaked

An' clutched at herself

Her sister made a joke

About her mental health

Until Dinah-Moe finally

Did give in

But I told her

All she really needed

Was some discipline...

I said:

Kiss my aura...Dora...

That's right!

You know why?

Because obviously it was real angora

And then I said:

Would you all like some more-a?

Right here on the flora?

An' how 'bout you, Fauna?

Do you wanna?

...Frank, Frank...up on stage...up on stage, Frank...


Take me up man, I want...

Take you up?



Wait a minute, now that you're up on stage,

what's your name?

Brian Reviera

Are you having a OK Halloween Brian?

I'm having an excellent time...

Sing for Greenwich man, Greenwich, Connecticut ...

Alright now, I'll tell you what...

Brian, do you know the words to this song?

Well, in a way, in a way...

OK, here's...Brian, this is your golden opportunity:

This is the Frank Zappa Performer-like Contest

Now here's what you're going to do:

We're gonna play this song again

and you're gonna pretend you're me.

And you pretend to sing the song

and dance all across the stage

and get these people a very good Halloween show, would you?

Right! Yeah! Yeah!

OK, ready?

Work! Work!

I couldn't say where she's comin' from,

But I just met a lady named Dinah-Moe Humm


She stroll on over, say look here, bum,

I got a forty dollar bill says you can't make me cum

(Y'jes can't do it)

She made a bet with her sister who's a little bit dumb

She could prove it any time all men was scum

I don't mind that she called me a bum,

But I knew right away she was really gonna cum

(So I got down to it)

I whipped off her bloomers'n stiffened my thumb

An' applied rotation on her sugar plum

I poked'n stroked till my wrist got numb

An' you know I heard some Dinah-Moe Humm,

Dinah-Moe Humm




A little Dinah-Moe

A little Dinah-Moe

A little Dinah-Moe again

Little Dinah-Moe

A little Dinah-Moe again

Little Dinah-Moe

A little Dinah-Moe again

Little Dinah-Moe ... Hey! How come you guys aren't singing?

Wait a minute, wait a minute...





That's right!





Give me that hat!



Alright, alright

What? San Ber'dino?

No, no, not yet...

I'll tell you what

Boy is this thing hard to hold on your head!

Let's do another

(San Ber'dino!)

No no, we'll do that later...

Hey thanks man,

you do a pretty good imitation of me...

Nice fingernail polish!

Really good! Really good! I like that...

It's great...look the camera,

show the camera your fingernails,

Very good...thanks

Dinah Moe Humm Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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