FRANK ZAPPA - Once Upon A Time Lyrics

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Song Title: Once Upon A Time
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Frank zappa (lead guitar, vocals)

Mark volman (vocals)

Howard kaylan (vocals)

Jim pons (bass, vocals)

Don preston (keyboards, electronics)

Ian underwood (keyboards, alto saxophone)

Aynsley dunbar (drums)

Once upon a time

Way back a long time ago,

When the universe consisted of nothing more elaborate than

Mark bolman

Oh, thank you frank

And dont misspell it,

Thats not marc bolan

Thats mark volman

Hiya friends

I wanna welcome each and everyone of you

I wanna say to you tonight

I feel great

I mean, I feel great

Everywhere I go people are always comin up to me

And they say mark, mark, mark

Mark are you kiddin

Lemme tell you this friends:

I am not kiddin

I mean, I am portly and I am maroon

Well, how many people here tonight can guess what I am?


I cant guess what you are

Well, then Ill give you some clues

And the first clue is

I am portly

Does that help?

Not much

No, I dont know who you are

Okay, I got one

Clue number two:

I am double knit

Does that help?

No, not much

Whaddya mean?

Well, then Ive to give you one more clue

I know this is gonna give it away

And I hate like damn to tell you this

But clue number three:

Ich bin maroon!

Ahhhhhhhh youre a sofa!

Once upon a time

Way back a long time ago,

When the universe consisted of nothing more elaborate than

Mark volman ...

Thank you, frank

... trying to convince each and every member

Of this extremely hip audience here tonight,

That he was nothing more, nothing less

Than a fat maroon sofa,

Suspended in the midst of a great emptiness

A light shined down from heaven (* twinkling sounds *)

And there he was ladies and gentleman, the good lord

And he took, he took a look at the sofa,

And he said to himself

"quite an attractive sofa"

"this sofa could be commercial"

With a few more margaritas and the right company

However, I digress

"what this sofa needs" said the big g

"is a bit of flooring underneath of it"

And so in order to make this construction project possible,

He summoned the assistance of the celestial corp of engineers,

And, by means of a cute little song in the german language

(which is the way he talks whenever its heavy business)

The good lord went something like this:

(take it away jim pons!)

Gib zu mir etwas fussbodenbelag

Unter diesen fetten fliessenden sofa


Gib zu mir etwas fussbodenbelag

Unter diesen fetten fliessenden sofa

And of course ladies and gentlemen that means:

"give unto me a bit of flooring under this fat floating sofa"

And sure enough boards of oak appeared throughout the emptiness

As far as vision permits,

Stretching all the way from belfast to bogner regis

And the lord put aside his huge cigar

And proceeded to deliver unto the charming maroonish sofa

The bulk of his message

With the assistance of a small electric clarinet

And it went something like this...

Take it away jim pons!

Gib zu mir etwas fussbodenbelag

Unter diesen fetten fliessenden sofa


Gib zu mir etwas fussbodenbelag

Unter diesen fetten fliessenden sofa

And of course ladies and gentlemen, that means:

Give unto me a bit of flooring under this fat floating sofa

And sure enough boards of oak appeared throughout the emptiness as far as vision permits, stretching all the way from belfast to bagner regious and the lord put aside his huge cigar and proceeded to deliver unto the charming maroonish sofa the bulk of his message with the assistance of a small electric clarinet and he went something like... this:

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