FRANK ZAPPA - Room Service Lyrics

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Album: You Can't Do That On Stage Anymore. Vol. 2 (1974)
Song Title: Room Service
Genre: Rock: Alternative
Visits: 773
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Frank Zappa (lead guitar, vocals)
Napoleon Murphy Brock (saxophone, vocals)
George Duke (keyboards, vocals)
Ruth Underwood (percussion)
Tom Fowler (bass)
Chester Thompson (drums)

Hallo! Hello!
Is this room service?


Is this room service at the Hotel Leningrad?

Oh, Oh, Oh, Jawohl!
What would you like...?
Yeas, this is room service

Look here, buddy

Yeas, what would you like?

Oh, I'm so hungry!
You know, when you're a tourist and everything
And you travel around, you know
Going to all the neat little shops

Ten Marks, costs you ten Marks

I'm so hungry!

This call is going to cost you ten Marks
You got to understand that in the fo..., in the front

Look here

Everything costs ten Marks

Ivan, listen

Ivan, that's me

You're going to sleep
You're going to sleep
I am so hungry
Can you bring me something to eat right away?

Bouillia... Bouilliabai?

No bouilliabai


No boogie-a-bay

How's about boogie-the-bay?

No boogie-woogie-the-bay

How's about a fishie with the eye fallin' out?

Fish with...? Hey, that sounds delicious!
Send me some fish with the eyes falling out

How about a little sand over it?
That'll make it...

Sand on the fish, yes, a sand-fish

That be ten Marks

Do you have a sand-fish here?

The eye's ten Marks
The fishie is forty

Hey, listen!


The people in your country certainly are charming
You know where I can get some pussy?


Never mind, look

This is very, this is very respectable hotel, you understand

Just send me up...

You tell to bring pussy in here?
We spray you with lace!

Oh, well...

Right in the face!

Oh, well...

You don't bring no pussy in this hotel!

Ahhah, okay...

Who do you think we are anyway?

Well, I guess you told me...

Are you a Christian?

Am I... Yeah, I'm a Christian, sure!

Isn't everyone?
Ah, okay, you can bring...
Well you can bring some pussy in here if you're a Christian
That's a difference...

Sure, if I'm a Christian that means I get some pussy, right?

That's right, that's cool, if you're a Christian


You also get bouilliabai with it

Yeah, hey, great!

And the fish with the eye fallin' out

I want you to send me some pussy

One pussy

Some fish with the eyes falling out

One fish with the eye falling out

Some bouilliabai

Some bouilliabai

And a bible

And a what?

And a Giddeon bible

And a Giddeon bible?
Okay, we also bring you the Finnian bible

The Phoenician bible?

No, the Finnian bible, to go with the Giddeon bible

The Finnian bible

The Finnian and the Giddeon go together here

This is a terrible connection,
I can hardly hear you
But look, buddy,
Can you please get that stuff up to my room in a hurry?
I'm so hungry

We shall send it up by the Southern Pacific Railroad

Fast ah?

That is very fast
So fast you can never know
Cape Cape Cape Kansas
Cape Cape Cape Kansas
Cape Cape Cape Kansas
Cape Cape Cape Kansas

You will also like to have a little visit

Hello, hello, hello
Room service?


Hey buddy!

You did not get your order?

No, listen, it's a...

You were not pleased with the pussy?

You don't like Americans very much here, do you?

Oh, you American! That'll be twenty Marks!

Yeah, twenty... right
Well, I don't care how much it costs, you know,
Just get it up to my room in a hurry because I'm so hungry

Well, you have to understand
If we didn't bring it up there too fast
It's probably because of the... the long summer that we had here,
You see

You had a long summer and that's why...?

We had a very long summer, about that fast

Heh heh

That's how long it was, like that

Now listen!

Wait a minute!

You get that food to my room right away

Room number?

Or I'm gonna call the American embassy


You mean what am I going to call them?


I'm going to call them a barrel of motherfuckers
That's what I'm gonna call them

Well I know who's gonna bring it up to you right away

Mart, Mart, Mart Perellis
Mart, Mart, Mart Perellis
Mart, Mart, Mart Perellis
Mart, Mart, Mart Perellis

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