Furtado Nelly - Baby Girl Lyrics
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Furtado Nelly Singer Lyrics
Baby Girl Song Lyrics
Furtado Nelly
Whoa, Nelly! (2001)
Song Title:
Baby Girl
Print Version
I've seen a man cry, I've seen a man die inside
I've seen him say to me that he is only mine
That he gotta do what is best for him
Never let me in, not even begin
To tell me I'm the one under his moon and sun
That I am the thing that revolves around him
But while on top of him I know what's best for him
I'll show him how to win and let me in cuz
I don't wanna be your baby girl
I don't wanna be your little pearl
I just wanna be what's best for me
To be one-da-dum with my own star under my own sun
We're all sorry now, I didn't mean to wow
Make you cry like that, it's just a little spat
Still I want you to know, though I love you so
It's mostly me dreaming, forcing, believing
That you're an ideal, hell I never steal
But I stole you from, from another one
So take yourself and wrap around my little finger
Cuz that's how it should swing
I don't wanna be your baby girl
I don't wanna be your little pearl
I just wanna be what's best for me
To be one-da-dum with my own star under my own sun
Why can't he see, why can't he see what's inside of me, yeah... don't you, don't you call me coochie-coo a little girl, now... don't you gaga goo no coochie-coo girl now I'm so much more, can't you see? Can't you see?
Look who's writing now a token of their love
Can't you see love that it's just because
I wanted a cheap way to get inside your head
And not a cheap way to get inside your bed
Oh you're running now, with that silly one
It's all over now, this woman's just begun
Maybe we'll see about the will and the way
Butterflies return some day
I don't wanna be your baby girl
I don't wanna be your little pearl
I just wanna be what's best for me
To be one-da-dum with my own star under my own sun
Baby Girl Lyrics
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Other Furtado Nelly song Lyrics
Powerless (Say What You Want)
"Paint my face in your magazines
Make it look whiter than it seems
Paint me over with your dreams
Shove away my ethnicity..."
"Vera's face burnt as a memory of bedroom fun
With a ligther and some hairspray
Smoking in the girls' room
Not worse than Shelley's rape behind the McDonald's..."
"All I know
Is everything is not as it's sold
but the more I grow the less I know
And I have lived so many lives..."
Fresh Off the Boat
"I rock these bare feet like no one else can
My hands are dirty I like 'em that way
Shows Who I am
I'm fresh off the boat..."
"It is the passion flowing right on through your veins
And it's the feeling that you're oh so glad you came
It is the moment you remember you're alive
It is the air you breathe, the element, the fire..."
The Grass Is Green
"Oh, i once had something
Something that was so good
Better than the last thing i touched
Then turned right around on that something..."
Picture Perfect
"Picture perfect a life that you saw in a magazine
Or maybe a travelling book
Wanted to get on that plane and fly away
cause you are a rock star deep down inside..."
"Hot motel
Stuffy incide
I know well
This eleven walls..."
if you want to see other song lyrics from "Whoa, Nelly!" album, click "
Furtado Nelly Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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