G Love Special Sauce - Hustle Lyrics

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Artist: G Love Special Sauce
Song Title: Hustle
Visits: 635
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Well it?s a hustle, it?s a hustle every day of life,

And it?s enough to keep your head above the water, see.

It seems the older I get the more freedom I have,

But everything is complicated to me.

Responsibility?s parkin?,

Take the stress, oh my god, get off my back before I snap and break.

Know I gots to elevate. Rob my fate.

Take it to the highest from the ?ramen noon?,

The city streets, the rhythms from my freaky sneaks, sneaky freaks,

Stoppin by madonna

To recharge my cells.

Get with the bros and have a couple laughs.

Take a long drive, cause I?m still alive,

And if the pressure didn?t get me then, won?t get me now.

Stay high as the sky and bust the fuck out.

?cause playin? is a hustle,

Runnin? is a hustle.

Everything?s a hustle but love.

Livin? is a hustle when you?re workin? every muscle,

and you?re just tryin to keep you head up.

Keep your head up, ohh.



The music is the thing that always made me high.

And it?s the warmth that left the light that never told no lies,

And it?s the feeling in my heart

And the tear in my eye

And the chill in my spine

And the freedom on my mind.

And it?s the moment that I get you know you?ll get me back.

And if ya ever bought for something then I?ll pay ya back.

But if I ever did you wrong, then forgive me,

But please don?t put no evil on me

Cause I?m just anther brother from a father and mother

Trying to make my way in the world, ya see.

Livin? is a hustle, playin? is a hustle.

Everything?s a hustle but love.

Livin? is a hustle when you?re workin? every muscle, and you?re just tryin? to keep your head up.

Keep your head up, ohh.

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