G Love Special Sauce - Parasite Lyrics

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Artist: G Love Special Sauce
Song Title: Parasite
Visits: 796
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Horses getting wiser with age

They're in a rage

‘cause they realized they've been underpaid

they're gonna start talking soon

along with the apes and the gray baboons

the birds eyeing you with stern regard

mosquitoes driven mad by the lust for blood

lose all precaution in this bloodied frenzy

parasites they got no love for me

I swat them down before the come for me

Mosquitoes swarm many so many

And many many more have left this world

Swept away by my palm

Feed to the fish that swim in the pond

It's a parasite

Watch your back

A parasite is no the attack

Watch your back

A parasite ain't gonna' hold I back

Watch your back

A parasite is on the attack

So what you want to say about

Critics and their critical minds

I just love the way they find the time to criticize

Yeah they don't do nothing themselves

They sit their fat ass on the motherfucking shelf

They say that money is the root of all evil

Seems like there's no way to put out the hellfire

There ain't enough for all people

So stick ‘em up Babylon stick ‘em up

How many rivers do we have to cross


before you realize you've already paid the cost

blood sucker mother suckers

fucking up enough is enough

every trip of politicians I shed a tear

too many in the bucket of stolen music that I hear

let me make it clear

talking about the soul snatching

but they don't want to share

they just result to whip cracking

see I know everybody's gotta live bro

give a little take a little is my motto

you see the doggie has its fleas

but for the fleas he has no need

but the fleas don't give a damn

all they want to do is feed

if it wasn't for the dog, they would starve

they say a parasite ain't got a heart

it's a flea eat a dog world

watch your back

a parasite is on the attack

watch your back

a parasite ain't gonna hold back

watch your back

a parasite is on the attack

and all the politicians say is blah blah blah

and al the critics have to say is blah blah blah

the judge and the jury say blah blah blah

they just freakin my mind with this blah blah blah

the man running for the president say

what you want to hear

but when he gets elected he turns the other ear

the oldest game in the book put the one man down

credibility is gone long gone

yo the words were wrong

they don't hatch with the actions

where are the leaders to get the

motherfucking peoples reaction

where are the real men to guide all the people

bring us down to get wealthily for themselves

no that ain't the goal

the inner site of the inner mind

I'm busy walking the line

I got no time to put the other man down

While I'm making my rounds

I go from town to town

And bringing everybody up not down

I keep a smile on my face

And I praise amazing grace

And every day I tie my laces

So I don't trip, slip, fall, stumble, stagger

I ain't gonna get hit man

I'll stab you with this dagger

And If you try to get me down

I'm gonna get back up

That's why I gotta say you suck my blood

It'sa parasite

watch your back

a parasite is on the attack

watch your back

a parasite ain't gonna hold back

watch your back

a parasite is on the attack

and all the politicians say is blah blah blah

and al the critics have to say is blah blah blah

the judge and the jury say blah blah blah

they just freakin my mind with this blah blah blah

my baby momma she is coming with blah blah blah

the police they be trippin' with blah blah blah

the radio they be playing that blah blah blah

they freaking my mind with that blah blah blah

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    Bye bye baby, don't be blue
    Oh don't you cry nomore baby don't you cry
    Don't you cry anymore..."
  • Tomorrow Night
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    Tomorrow night I'm goin' home
    Goin' to see my friends and my family
    My dog my old brown ???..."

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