Gabriel Peter - Exposure Lyrics

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Artist: Gabriel Peter
Gabriel Peter Author
Album: Peter Gabriel - Ii - Scratch (1978)
Gabriel Peter - Peter Gabriel - Ii - Scratch Album
Song Title: Exposure
Genre: Rock
Visits: 692
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Space is what I need, it's what I feed on.


Out in the open...


Flotsam And Jetsam

Doing nothing, stuck in the mud, just pumping the blood.
The water level's getting low, something ugly's going to show.

If only I could touch you, I guess you'd be alarmed.
If only I could touch you, I don't mean you no harm.

If only I could touch you, like the wind can touch the sail,
If only I could touch you, darling, now that words have failed.
Oh, flotsam still afloat,
Oh, jetsam thrown out of the boat.

Oh love, my love, nothing here is what it seems.
We both know it; Christ, you show it...
Oh, oh my love.

I need perspective, 'cos I'm facing the wall.
I need perspective, 'cos I'm not that tall.
I need perspective, heard the trumpet call.
Don't trust my eyes, want to know where things fall.

I need perspective, party time for the newly wed.
I need perspective, colors ran as the images bled.
I need perspective, like confetti on the flower bed.
Don't trust my eyes, priest crying he's got fire in his head.

Oh Gaia, if that's your name,
Treat you like dirt, but I don't want to blame.
Oh Gaia, the wind heals the fire and blows the ash away.

I need perspective, sitting in a long, long hall.
I need perspective, staring at the white, white wall.
I need perspective, waiting for the phone to call.
Don't trust my eyes, there's one thing I've got to tell you all.

I need perspective, to see through red, red skies.
I need perspective, to carry merchandise.
I need perspective, I don't trust my eyes.


I used to be an industrial giant,
Sitting in a garden full of chemical plants.
Trying very hard to get you off my mind.
Acting like any man, taking you for all I can,
Just the same, the same as all my kind, so blind.

I need perspective.

Home Sweet Home

Met this girl called Josephine and took her up on my machine,
We had a little fun, and now we got a little one.
Had to get married, being chased out of town.
Found ourselves a place to live, we put all our money down.

Called it Home Sweet Home, Home Sweet Home,
Eleven floors up in a tower block, happy just to have a home.
I've gone and changed the lock on our home.

Nothing really worked out right; things got broke, they stayed that way.
None of our friends came round at night, little Sam got no place to play.
"We've got to get out of here, Bill," she said,
"I've been telling you all the while,"
When I came home from work that night,
She'd jumped out the window with our child.

From our Home Sweet Home, Home Sweet Home.
Just a place to take a rest, just a place to make a nest.
We call it home.

When the insurance money came through,
It seemed dirty, didn't know what to do.
Took out the cash, went down to the casino,
Down on the wheel on a double,
And I won, yes I won, like I never won before.
Bought myself a country house with an antique carved oak door.

It was Home Sweet Home, Home Sweet Home.
Just a place to lay our head, think of all the things we said
About in our Home Sweet Home.

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