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Und Durch Den Draht Song Lyrics
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Other Gabriel Peter song Lyrics | The Rhythm Of The Heat "Looking out the window I see the red dust clear High up on the red rock Stands the shadow with the spear..." | San Jacinto "Thick cloud - steam rising - hissing stone on sweat lodge fire Around me - buffalo robe - sage in bundle - run on skin Outside - cold air - stand, wait for rising sun Red paint - eagle feathers - coyote calling - it has begun..." | I Have The Touch "The time I like is the rush hour, cos I like the rush The pushing of the people - I like it all so much Such a mass of motion - do not know where it goes I move with the movement and ... I have the touch..." | The Family And The Fishing Net "Suffocated by mirrors, stained by dreams Her honey belly pulls the seams Curves are still upon the hinge Pale zeros tinge the tiger skin..." | Shock The Monkey "Shock the monkey to life Shock the monkey to life Cover me when I run Cover me through the fire..." | Lay Your Hands On Me "Sat in the corner of the Garden Grill, with plastic flowers on the window sil No more miracles, loaves and fishes, been so busy with the washing of the dishes..." | Wallflower "6x6 - from wall to wall Shutters on the windows, no light at all Damp on the floor you got damp on the bed They're trying to get you crazy - get you out of your head..." | Kiss Of Life "See me a big woman, big woman look how you dance See me a big woman, big woman caught in a trance Dancing on the tabletop, covered up with the Easter feast You're dancing for the fishermen, from the very large right..." | |
if you want to see other song lyrics from "Ein Deutsches Album" album, click "Gabriel Peter Singer" and search album songs from the artist page. | |
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