Gabrielle - Should I Stay Lyrics

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Artist: Gabrielle
Gabrielle Author
Album: Dreams Can Come True: Greatest Hits, Vol. 1 (2001)
Gabrielle - Dreams Can Come True: Greatest Hits, Vol. 1 Album
Song Title: Should I Stay
Genre: R&B: Soul
Visits: 1419
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Here I am,
Waiting for a sign,
I never seem to know,
If you want me in your life,

Where do I stand,
I just don't know,
I never feel I know you,
Cos you blow hot and you blow cold,

It seems I've grown attached,
Though we're not the perfect match,
I just can't explain,

Should I stay, should I go,
Could I ever really stand to let go,
Can you not find the right words to say,
That maybe I'm getting in your way,

I feel your warmth,
Got me wanting more,
You've left the door half open,
I'm in two minds to explore,

But then again,
Am I being honest,
Being truthful to myself,
Can I see my life without you,
Could I be with someone else,

It seems I've grown attached,
Though we're not the perfect match,
I just can't explain,
Oh no,

Should I stay, should I go,
Could I ever really stand to let you go,
Can you not find the right words to say,
That maybe I'm getting in your way,
Should I stay, should I go,
I really think it's time that you should let me know,
Can you not find the right words to say,
That maybe I'm getting in your way

It seems I've grown attached,
Though we're not the perfect match,
I just can't explain,
Oh no,

Should I stay, should I go,
Could I ever really stand to let you go,
Can you not find the right words to say,
That maybe I'm getting in your way,
Should I stay, should I go,
I really think it's time that you should let me know,
Can you not find the right words to say,
That maybe I'm getting in your way

Should I stay, should I go,
Could I ever stand to let you go,
Can you not find the right words to say,
That maybe I'm getting in your way,

Should I stay, should I go,
I think it's time you let me know,
Can you not find the right words to say,
That maybe I'm getting in your way

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Other Gabrielle song Lyrics
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    I can tell by your eyes that you want me too
    Just a question of time I knew we'd be together
    And that you'd be mine I want you here forever..."
  • Going Nowhere
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    You're feeling insecure
    I don't want to hurt you baby
    You've heard it all before..."
  • Because Of You
    "Touching the heart of me
    That's what you do baby can't you see
    Right now you've got me falling
    I'm falling there's no stopping no, no..."
  • Forget About The World
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    Cos you had to make up your mind
    You really didn't want to choose
    But you had too much to lose..."
  • If You Really Cared
    "Though I understood
    All the things that you told me
    You were going through
    Tried to be there and wanted..."
  • Sunshine
    "Made a wish, I can dream
    I can be what I want to be
    Not afraid to live my life
    And fulfil my fantasies..."
  • Rise
    "I know that it's over
    But I can't believe we're through
    They say that time is a healer
    And i'm better without you..."
  • When A Woman
    "Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, de?
    Early in the morning
    My friends already calling
    Ready for a party..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Dreams Can Come True: Greatest Hits, Vol. 1" album, click "Gabrielle Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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