Gabrielle - Ten Years Time Lyrics
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Gabrielle Singer Lyrics
Ten Years Time Song Lyrics
Play To Win (2004)
Song Title:
Ten Years Time
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Do you have a vision?
Do you have a goal?
I'm watching you shrugging your shoulders,
Telling me you just don't know.
Do you get emotional?
Is there something you're passionate about?
I can tell that you're still searching,
Still trying to work it all out.
It takes time
Take your time
Mm mm
You will know
When it feels right
Where you gonna be in ten years time?
Will you be happy with the way you've been living your life?
Will you be alright?
And when you're looking back to now
All the years gone by
Will there be something that you say
That you should have done right
In your life
What would you fight for?
For what do you stand?
How will you go about it?
And do you have a masterplan?
What are your demons?
How much for your soul?
Have you found religion?
And gone down that road?
Guess we all need
Something to believe
oh oh oh
Times haven't changed
Thats how it's gotta be
Where you gonna be in ten years time?
Will you be happy with the way you've been living your life?
Will you be alright?
And when you're looking back to now
All the years gone by
Will there be something that you say
That you should have done right
We're talking about your life
Are you a dreamer?
Tell me all your dreams
Can you say honestly
What you want to be
What would you do,
When your back's against the wall?
Would you stand on your two feet?
Would you admit defeat?
These are the times
You need to be strong
Don't you know,
Don't you know that is hard
Have you learned to find a way?
You gotta find a way to carry on
Where you gonna be in ten years time?
Will you be happy with the way you've been living your life?
Will you be alright?
And when you're looking back to now
All the years gone by
Will there be something that you say
That you should have done right
We're talking about your life
Your life
Where you gonna be in ten years time?
Will you be happy with the way you've been living your life?
Will you be alright?
And when you're looking back to now
All the years gone by
Will there be something that you say
That you should have done right
We're talking about your life
Your life
Where you gonna be in ten years time?
Will you be alright?
Tell me will you get it right? get it right?
Where you gonna be in ten years time?
Will you be happy with the way that you're living your life?
Do you feel it being right? It will be alright.
Where you gonna be in ten years time?
Will you be alright?
Tell me will you get it right? get it right?
Where you gonna be in ten years time?
Ten Years Time Lyrics
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Other Gabrielle song Lyrics
"Move a step closer you know that I want you
I can tell by your eyes that you want me too
Just a question of time I knew we'd be together
And that you'd be mine I want you here forever..."
Going Nowhere
"Right at this moment
You're feeling insecure
I don't want to hurt you baby
You've heard it all before..."
Because Of You
"Touching the heart of me
That's what you do baby can't you see
Right now you've got me falling
I'm falling there's no stopping no, no..."
Forget About The World
"You had to take the time
Cos you had to make up your mind
You really didn't want to choose
But you had too much to lose..."
If You Really Cared
"Though I understood
All the things that you told me
You were going through
Tried to be there and wanted..."
"Made a wish, I can dream
I can be what I want to be
Not afraid to live my life
And fulfil my fantasies..."
"I know that it's over
But I can't believe we're through
They say that time is a healer
And i'm better without you..."
When A Woman
"Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, de?
Early in the morning
My friends already calling
Ready for a party..."
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Gabrielle Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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