Gafford John - Drinking And Thinking Lyrics
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Drinking And Thinking Song Lyrics
Gafford John
Song Title:
Drinking And Thinking
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I gotta stop drinking and thinking,
'Cause it's messing up my mind.
I gotta stop drinking and thinking,
'Cause it's getting (putting) me in a bind.
('Cause I'm paying a heavy (emotional) fine.)
I woke up this morning, And to my surprise.
I found a little (soft) something, That opened up my eyes.
How can this be happening, How can this be true.
How can this be happening (again), I don't know what to do.
I gotta stop drinking and thinking, Before I get into a bind.
I gotta stop drinking and thinking, Before I lose my mind.
(What was I thinking, I must of been drinking.)
I gotta stop drinking and thinking,
'Cause it's messing up my mind.
I gotta stop drinking and thinking,
'Cause it's getting (putting) me in a bind.
('Cause I'm paying a heavy (emotional) fine.)
She looked at me in wonder, With those big baby blues.
My eyes closed with a thunder, Hoping that it wasn't true.
How can this be happening, I don't know what to do.
How can this be happening (again), I don't even know you.
I gotta stop drinking and thinking, Before I get into a bind.
I gotta stop drinking and thinking, Before I lose my mind.
(What was I thinking, I must of been drinking.)
I gotta stop drinking and thinking,
'Cause it's messing up my mind.
I gotta stop drinking and thinking,
'Cause it's getting (putting) me in a bind.
('Cause I'm paying a heavy (emotional) fine.)
If I had but (just) one wish, It would be for you my dear.
To get you up and going, To make you disappear. (And to get you out of hear.)
Please don't take it hard, I hoping that you're strong.
Please don't take if personally, But you gotta (must) be moving on.
I gotta stop drinking and thinking, Before I get into a bind.
I gotta stop drinking and thinking, Before I lose my mind.
(What was I thinking, I must of been drinking.)
I gotta stop drinking and thinking,
'Cause it's messing up my mind.
I gotta stop drinking and thinking,
'Cause it's getting (putting) me in a bind.
('Cause I'm paying a heavy (emotional) fine.)
I don't know what I said, Can't even remember your name.
I don't know what I did, To get you to play the game. (my game)
Oh, what's a man to do, Where's the reason why.
Oh, where's a man to turn to, Give me a whiskey and rye.
(For me it's whiskey and rye.)
I gotta stop drinking and thinking, Before I get into a bind.
I gotta stop drinking and thinking, Before I
....pour me another honey, I'm late for my date,
....make it a double, I gotta feeling I'll be out late
Drinking And Thinking Lyrics
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