Galactic Cowboys - If I Were A Killer Lyrics

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Artist: Galactic Cowboys
Galactic Cowboys Author
Song Title: If I Were A Killer
Genre: Rock
Visits: 686
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This is just a hypothetical story

Of someone, let's just say it's me

I'd gain acceptance for my murderous ways

By stalking a defenseless prey

If I were a killer, I'd smile just like the boy next door

If I were a killer, I'd say I do it for the poor

If I were a killer, You'd bring me victims more and more

If I were a killer!

Supreme Court would agree to hear my case

And find me innocent of crime

Holding public rallies to incite sympathy

Creative actuality

If I were a killer, I'd hide behind a doctor's door

If I were a killer, I'd scrape you off my office floor

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  • Shine
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    remember then? now and later days
    when the kids came out to play..."
  • The Shape
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    I've Always Been A Model Citizen
    I've Always Kept My Nose Clean
    I've Always Stayed Out Of Your Business..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Space In Your Face" album, click "Galactic Cowboys Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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