Gamma Ray - Silence Lyrics

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Artist: Gamma Ray
Gamma Ray Author
Song Title: Silence
Visits: 754
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When you're drowning, when you're freezin', when you're feeling cold
There's a light in the darkness as the elder always told.
When the winter's coming closer and the autumn's passing by,
Then the world will sink in slience and I think we all should try.
Oh, I wanna live my life in a fairy tale
Where the end is always good and never sad.
Show me the way to another world
Where the sun is always shining in the and

And we fight back the tears, and we lose our fears,
Let the world remain in silence for a while
Sun in our minds in a world full of ice,
Let silence remain for a little while.

Somebody came and slammed the door,
took the feelin' away from our hearts.
And the horror took hold of a place in our hearts filled with love.

What is left behind the ice, behind the make up and the lies
Tell me what goes on inside our mindss,
There is a hole in our sky, getting bigger, growing wide
No more answer, but we hold the line - uh, yeah -
See and hear what we have done to us all,
we wanna be free more than anything,
Do you hear what I say to you?
We will make it through, the sun shall shine.

Hear the words we say and see the light of day
We never will be free until the sun is shining for us all
Carry on, carry on and make our dreams come true
And for a little while we stay together
Carry on, carry on, may all our lovin' stay
And for a little while we stay together, forever
Together, forever

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  • Space Eater
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  • Money
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  • The Silence
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    As the elder always told
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  • Hold Your Ground
    "Come to plague me, rape and take me
    Freeze me up, freeze me up.
    Politician, inquisition freeze 'em up,
    Freeze 'em up, freeze 'em up...."
  • Free Time
    "The weekend comes, I'm gonna see my baby,
    I close the door and leave everything behind.
    I hit the road, the sun is shining down so brightly,
    Five more miles and I'm lying in her arms...."
  • Heading for Tomorrow
    "Time has passed in the modern world
    Where the madmen live and speak their word.
    Life in hand they deal with god
    Put a trademark sign up on everyone...."

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