Gang Bloodhound - Mope Lyrics

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Artist: Gang Bloodhound
Gang Bloodhound Author
Album: Hooray For Boobies (2000)
Gang Bloodhound - Hooray For Boobies Album
Song Title: Mope
Genre: Rock: Electronic
Visits: 819
Print Version

We gonna drop this next bomb for a money makin' playa that ain't with us no mo.
Yeah, Notorious B.I.G.
Hell no, we gonna do this for a gangbanging thug that never seen it comin'.
Yeah, Tupac Shakur.
Nah bitch, I'm talkin' ?bout motherfuckin' Falco and shit.
What? Falco?

Rock me Amadeus
Rock me Amadeus
Rock me Amadeus
Rock me Amadeus

Tried to O.D. on the Cold-Eeze
"Golden Girls" got me "Sweatin' To The Oldies"
Hanging out like Double Ds sip Long Island Iced Teas
Wrote to Mayor McCheese "Send a Shamrock Shake please!"
Three O' Clock on the dot time to cruise for Eighth graders
Rather tape the Weather Channel so that I can watch it later
Reruns of Rerun so "What's Happening?"
Dee's knocked up and Rog on crack again
Deep throat a whole Nutty Buddy
Make whoopie to a batch of Silly Putty
Make a Spam and Colgate sandwich and ate it
Go through "National Geographic" and draw panties on the natives
So I like to dance naked in front of my pets
But my cat was inattentive so I sent him U.P.S.
Playin' spin the bottle with my mom
I watch "Cops" with no pants on

Must've blown a fuse nothing's going on
Lamer than the Pope climb the walls like King Kong
Buggin' out like Tori Spelling's eyes
Deader than the parents on a "Party of Five"
Luciano Pavoratti on a treadmill
Not going nowhere slim chance we will
Less hip than Bo Jackson bored like wood
Dick around like Frankie Goes To Hollywood

Relax don't do it when you wanna go to it
Relax don't do it when you wanna cum
Relax don't do it when you wanna go to it
Relax don't do it when you wanna cum

Nowhere to go I can't wake up late
Just sit around and wait for my Old Spice to activate
Stalemate jailbait in "My So-Called Life" imprisonment
Amazing what a good breakfast pickles make isn't it?
I like to pretend I'm speed reading
Never lose the sight of the thrill of sneezing
Don't need a shower today just some Brut by Faberge
Smell the ass of my jeans clean they'll do another day
And I recycle I sniff my own farts
I dial the wrong number hope a conversation starts
I mean I might as well be listenin' to Journey
Givin' myself a mullet hook the Flowbee to the Kirby
Make a prank call pretendin' I'm a mime
Get stuck in traffic just to pass the time
Sent a letter in the mail in Braille to Johnny Quest
Send me back my Etch-A-Sketch

Must've blown a fuse nothing's going on
Lamer than the Pope climb the walls like King Kong
Buggin' out like Tori Spelling's eyes
Deader than the parents on a "Party of Five"
Luciano Pavoratti on a treadmill
Not going nowhere slim chance we will
Less hip than Bo Jackson, bored like wood
Dick around like Frankie Goes To Hollywood

Relax don't do it when you wanna go to it
Relax don't do it when you wanna cum
Relax don't do it when you wanna go to it
Relax don't do it when you wanna cum

I'm mighty tighty whitey and I'm smugglin' plums
When you wanna cum
I'm mighty tighty whitey and I'm smugglin' plums
When you wanna cum
I'm mighty tighty whitey and I'm smugglin' plums
When you wanna cum
I'm mighty tighty whitey and I'm smugglin' plums
When you wanna cum

Yo yo yo yo yo! What it is motherfuckers?
Aw shit, here comes Pac-Man.
Hey Pac-Man, what's up?
Me you bitches! I'm high on crack! Wanna freebase?
No Pac-Man drugs are bad!
Nope can't help you man.
Pussies. Whoa! Holy shit!

Must've blown a fuse nothing's going on
Lamer than the Pope climb the walls like King Kong
Buggin' out like Tori Spelling's eyes
Deader than the parents on a "Party of Five"
Luciano Pavoratti on a treadmill
Not going nowhere slim chance we will
Less hip than Bo Jackson bored like wood
Dick around like Frankie Goes To Hollywood

Relax don't do it when you wanna go to it
Relax don't do it when you wanna cum
Relax don't do it when you wanna go to it
Relax don't do it when you wanna cum

Holy macaroni
Holy macaroni
Holy macaroni
Holy macaroni

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  • Fire Water Burn
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    The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire
    The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire
    We don't need no water let the motherfucker burn..."
  • I Wish I Was Queer So I Could Get Chicks
    "If your ass is a Chinese restaurant I'll have the poo-poo platter
    My friend Jerry Vandergrift kissed me in Home Ec. class
    Later in the afternoon some jarheads in the locker room kicked my ass
    I said guys I'm like you I like Monster Trucks too..."
  • Whys Everybody Always Pickin On Me
    "Why is everbody always pickin' on me?
    The morn' that I was born my old man beat up the doctor
    He clocked the doctor cause the doctor said I looked like Chewbacca
    The doctor said sir you're misled sir which infers you mistook me..."
  • Its Tricky
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    I think it's very vital
    To rock a rhyme
    That's right on time..."
  • Asleep At The Wheel
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    Break curfew new trip ensues
    You never know Bloodhounds just go
    Pack backpack up for down the road..."
  • Shut Up
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    I'm like a zit a wart a corn a cyst a festering boil
    I get under your skin and I sebaceously form
    I'm as deep as the plot to an amateur gay porn..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Hooray For Boobies" album, click "Gang Bloodhound Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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