GangStarr - Above the Clouds Lyrics

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Artist: GangStarr
GangStarr Author
Song Title: Above the Clouds
Visits: 726
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Myself lord and master

shall bring disaster to evil factors

demonic chapters shall be captured

by kings

Through the storms of days after

and to the earth from the sun

through triple darkness to blast ya

with a force that cant be compared

to any fire power

for its mind power shared

the brainwave causes vessels to circulate

like constellations reflect at night

off the lake

word to the father and mother earth

seeking everlasting life through this hell

for what its worth

look listen and observe

and watch another sea cycle

pullin my peeps to the curb

heed the words

its like ghetto style proverbs

the righteous man sacrifice

to get what they deserve

cannot afford to be confined to a cell

brainwaves swell

turning a desert to a well

experience the best teacher

thoughts will spring like streetsweepers

little daddy street preacher

illustrious feature

narrator you select

accompanied by Deck plus the DJ you respect

seven and a half combined

over the frontline

the ten percenters

promotin slander in the air time

bear in mind

jewels be the tools of the trade

sharp blades heavenly praise

and dues are paid

Above the crowds above the clouds

where the sounds are original

infinite skills create miracles

warrior spiritual

Above the clouds raining down

Holdin it down

(Inspectah Deck)

I leave scientists mentally scarred

triple extra large

wild like rock stars

who smash guitars

poison bars from the gods

bust holes in your mirage

and catch a charge

shake em down like the riot squad

invade your zone

ruined like ancient Rome

I span the universe and

return to earth to claim my throne

the maker owner

plus sole controller

Ayatollah rest in the sky

the clouds my sofa

stand like colossus

regardless to whom or what

numerous attempts at my life

so who to trust

who but us

to supply ya with the fire

the burning truth

150 absolute proof

on the mic like Moses

smokin golden la

survivor of the oldest tribe

whose soldiers die

I know the five families

who shed tears and more

but our hands are on the ammo

cause the battles still on

sound the horn

we come rumblin through the function

precise laser beam technique

to touch something

when we die hard

they build a monument to honor us with

humongous effect in the world

we couldve conquered it

Above the crowds above the clouds

where the sounds are original

infinite skills create miracles

warrior spiritual

Above the clouds raining down

Holdin it down

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