Garden Fools - The Seal Lyrics

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Artist: Garden Fools
Garden Fools Author
Album: Dish of the day (1995)
Garden Fools - Dish of the day Album
Song Title: The Seal
Genre: Rock
Visits: 878
Print Version

You said it in a strange kind, I don't forget the day
Your smile is not the same now, You've drawn your hands away
I dont's begrudge it to you, you've found another place
Another place is good too, but I can't look inside your face
Inside your face -- now you get away

And now we shunt our train on to a siding
I see you wave your hand and disappear
You said come on and fly with me,
Fly and then we'll dive into an endless sea
And now you fly again, I couldn't fly like you
And now I'm losing you

Pathos -- how the eys gape, I've got blood in my hands
Thoughts about the promise and all the tears that we have shed
Don't you let them use you, be cautious when you dive into the
world around you you've broken all the ties
All the ties -- now you get away

And now we shunt our train on to a siding
I see you wave your hand and disappear
You said come on and fly with me,
Fly and then we'll dive into an endless sea
And now you fly again, I couldn't fly like you
And now I'm losing you

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  • And You Say
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  • Probably
    "Dan is drinking coffee
    Mary's drinking tea
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  • Nothing
    "There's no picture
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    And no poem..."
  • When The Moon Kisses Town
    "Look up now - there's no need to be ashamed
    You don't have to wear it - take it off
    Look up now - and don't pretend
    In the limelight you could take another bow..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Dish of the day" album, click "Garden Fools Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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