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That Old Black Magic Song Lyrics
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Other Garland Judy song Lyrics | Over The Rainbow "Transcribed by Randy Goldberg When all the world is a hopeless jumble And the raindrops tumble all around Heaven opens a magic lane..." | The Jitterbug "I haven't got a brain but I think I ought to worry...." | Singin in the Rain "Have you ever suffered that horrible thing Of having your hostess ask you to sing And just because you're so polite You mumble through your teeth, all right..." | Meet Me In St. Louis "When Louis came home to the flat, He hung up his coat and his hat, He gazed all around, but no wifey he found, So he said "where can Flossie be at?"..." | Boy Next Door "FOR ME AND MY GAL Judy Garland and Gene Kelly The bells are ringing for me and my gal The birds are singing for me and my gal..." | Trolley Song "I'm glad I met you, You Wonderful You, I won't forget You, You Wonderful You...." | Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas "Have yourself a merry little Christmas Let your heart be light Next year all our troubles will be out of sight..." | Do It Again "You really shouldn?t have done it, You hadn?t any right. I really shouldn?t have let you kiss me. And although it was wrong,..." | |
if you want to see other song lyrics from "Complete DECCA Masters Plus 2" album, click "Garland Judy Singer" and search album songs from the artist page. | |
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