Gary Barlow - Walk Lyrics

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Artist: Gary Barlow
Gary Barlow Author
Album: Twelve Months, Eleven Days (1999)
Gary Barlow - Twelve Months, Eleven Days Album
Song Title: Walk
Genre: Rock
Visits: 796
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I thought that you would be the one to share my life,
I thought that you would be the one to stand here by my side,
I thought that you would be the lover I'd always dreamed of,
I thought that you would be the one to face and fight any storm,
What a fool I've been,
Nothing's quite the way it seemed,
All I've lost is all I had and all I had I never found,

So walk right out of life,
Enjoy your independence and freedom,
How can you still be proud,
When you've broken your vow,
Just turn away don't look back,
The love you promised taught me a lesson,
I know I'll survive after you have walked out of my life,

I can't believe behind your smile there lived a lie,
I can't believe inside your heart our love had already died,
I can't believe that I've been chasing something I'd never see,
I can't believe I've been the reason for your choice to be free,
How I've lost my way,
How overnight feelings change,
'after all this time you tell me you never felt the same way,

So walk right out of life,
Enjoy your independence and freedom,
How can you still be proud,
When you've broken your vow,
Just turn away don't look back,
The love you promised taught me a lesson,
I know I'll survive after you have walked out of my life,

Justify giving love that you never had,
Justify taking love when you never cared,
Though it's over now, though it's over now,
Love won't deceive me again,

So walk right out of life,
Enjoy your independence and freedom,
How can you still be proud,
When you've broken your vow,
Just turn away don't look back,
The love you promised taught me a lesson,
I know I'll survive after you have walked out of my life

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  • Arms Around Me
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  • Lie to Me
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    Though in my home I wanna' stay,..."
  • Stronger
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    A prisoner of my own design my hands are firmly tied,
    I could just fade away and live a life unknown,
    I could be somewhere else but now I'm headed home..."
  • All That Ive Given Away
    "Written by Gary Barlow
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    When it rings it's never the voice you needed to hear
    It's funny how the radio sings the words you meant to say..."
  • Wondering
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    It's not so hard to say if this is for real or rejection,
    Don't make me promises, don't make me decide,
    Don't beg forgiveness just try harder next time,..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Twelve Months, Eleven Days" album, click "Gary Barlow Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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