Gary Brooker - Ghost Train Lyrics
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Gary Brooker Singer Lyrics
Ghost Train Song Lyrics
Gary Brooker
Echoes In The Night (1985)
Song Title:
Ghost Train
Rock: Pop-Rock
Print Version
(Brooker Renwick Sinfield)
So many ships have slipped on by in the night
I couldn't keep the score
Until you tied up in the harbour with me
And I prayed we'd share something more
Maybe we both tried just a bit too hard
New loves so close and true
For ten wild days we held a straight flush in hearts
And then I froze on you
Give me something to remember you by
Like a kiss on a cold cold night
Give me something to remember you by
As your ship sinks out of sight
The queen of rubies took the sweet jack of moon
So high above the flood
Though they survived the fall with ice on their wings
The stables ran with blood
Maybe we had too much to win or loose
We'd both been lost before
But that ain't your hear that's an anchor and chain
All those are claw marks across my floor
Give me something to remember you by
Like a knife or a blue steel key
Give me something to remember you by
Like a rose like a storm at sea
Give me something to remember you by
We weren't wrong but we weren't right
Give me something to remember you by
Bye-bye baby, bye-bye
Ghost Train Lyrics
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Other Gary Brooker song Lyrics
Count Me Out
"There's a song you might remember
It's been played a thousand times.
And the words they keep returning,
I know every single line...."
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"Within Our House
love and grace
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through darkest night..."
Echoes in the Night
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I said I'd just got into town
She said welcome it's a friendly kind of place
So I asked her if by chance..."
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We saw it in a dream
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Please, say it ain't so
That's not what I want to hear Joe
And I got a right to know..."
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Shadows lifting - night clouds drifting
Rolling away
Open your eyes from dreaming..."
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We're in love and that's the way we'll stay forever
It doesn't matter what they think about us
I know that you and I'll work it out together..."
Mineral Man
"I've been waiting
For you to come home
It's such a long time
So all alone..."
...Show All
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