Gary Glitter - Rock & Roll (Part 1) Lyrics
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Gary Glitter Singer Lyrics
Rock & Roll (Part 1) Song Lyrics
Gary Glitter
Song Title:
Rock & Roll (Part 1)
Print Version
Rock and roll, rock, rock and roll
Rock and roll, rock, rock and roll
Can you see where you call in the juke box hall
When the music played
And the world sang rounds to a pretty sound
No sorrow base
And them blue swede shoes, they will scream and shout
I guess they sing the blues, let it all hang out
Rock and ro-o-oll, rock and roll
Rock and ro-o-oll, rock and roll
Rock and ro-o-oll, rock and roll
Rock and roll, rock, rock and roll
Rock and roll, rock, rock and roll
Little Queenie popped in my high school rock
Dancin' to the beat
With the U.S. male and a pony tail
She looked so sweet
Times have changed in the past but we won't forget
Though the age has passed they'll be rockin' yet
Rock and ro-o-oll, rock and roll
Rock and ro-o-oll, rock and roll
Rock and ro-o-oll, rock and roll
Rock and roll, rock, rock and roll
Rock and roll, rock, rock and roll
Rock and roll, rock, rock and roll
Rock and roll, rock, rock and roll
Rock and roll, rock, rock and roll
Rock and roll, rock, rock and roll
Rock and roll, rock, rock and roll
Rock and roll, rock, rock and roll
Rock and ro-o-oll, rock and roll
Rock and ro-o-oll, rock and roll
Rock and ro-o-oll, rock and roll
Rock and roll, rock, rock and roll
Rock and roll, rock, rock and roll
Rock and roll, rock, rock and roll
Rock and roll, rock, rock and roll
Rock and roll, rock, rock and roll
Rock and roll, rock, rock and roll
Rock and roll, rock, rock and roll
Rock and roll, rock, rock and roll
Rock and roll, rock, rock and roll
Rock and roll, rock [fade]
Rock & Roll (Part 1) Lyrics
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Other Gary Glitter song Lyrics
Im The Leader Of The Gang (I Am)
"Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on,
Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on,
Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on,..."
Do You Wanna Touch Me? (Oh Yeah)
"We've been here too long tryin' to get along
Pretending that you're oh so shy
I'm a natural man doin' all I can
My temp'rature is runnin' high..."
I Love You Love Me Love
"W're still together after all that we've been through
They tried to tell you I was not the boy for you
They didn't like my hair
the clothes I love to wear..."
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"I can't conceal
The way I feel
It's time for me to go
Don't ask me why..."
Hello Hello Im Back Again
"Hello, Hello. It's good to be back, it's good to be back.
Hello, Hello. It's good to be back, it's good to be back.
Did you miss me, Yeah, while I was away,
did you hang my picture on your wall..."
Another Rock And Roll Christmas
light the lights, ring the chimes..."
Rock & Roll (Part 2)
> "Rock N Roll Part II" by Gary Glitter
> Ba na na na... Hey! Ba na na...."
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