Gary Moore - Hold on to Love Lyrics
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Gary Moore Singer Lyrics
Hold on to Love Song Lyrics
Gary Moore
Victims of the Future (1999)
Song Title:
Hold on to Love
Print Version
(Gary Moore)
Look at you, a fool in love.
A man too blind to see.
You never ask yourself why they all leave you.
You try to play so many games.
You give yourself away.
And then you wonder why no one believes you.
You've got to realise
that this is goin' nowhere.
You've got to understand
that there's so much you can share.
You know you've got to hold on to love
if you wanna learn to forget your sorrow.
You've got to hold on to love
like there's no tomorrow.
Look at you, a fool in love.
A man too blind to see.
You never ask yourself why they all hurt you.
You try to hide behind your lies.
You give yourself away.
And then you wonder why they all desert you.
You know you've got to hold on to love
if you wanna learn to forget your sorrow.
You've got to hold on to love
like there's no tomorrow.
You know you've got to hold on to love
if you've got to beg, steal or borrow.
You've got to hold on to love
like there's no tomorrow.
You've got to realise
that this is goin' nowhere.
You've got to understand
that there's so much you can share.
You know you've got to hold on to love
if you wanna learn to forget your sorrow.
You've got to hold on to love
like there's no tomorrow.
You better learn to hold on to love
if you've got to beg, steal or borrow.
You've got to hold on to love
like there's no tomorrow.
You know you've got to
hold on, hold on, hold on,
keep holdin' on.
Hold on to love like there's no tomorrow.
There'll be a prize to pay,
if your love runs away.
Hold on, hold on,
hold on to love.
Hold on to Love Lyrics
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if you want to see other song lyrics from "Victims of the Future" album, click "
Gary Moore Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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