Gary Numan - Generator Lyrics

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Artist: Gary Numan
Song Title: Generator
Visits: 550
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We generate heat
We generate emotion
We generate a feeling
That is better left here
Than a memory on a wall

I'd rather cry than forget you

We generate pain
We generate suspicion
We generate a rumour that's sick
But a rumour that is probably true

I'd rather die than forget you

(I won't let my dreams slip away from me)
I'm talking sex motion
I'm talking 'bout fashion
I'm talking 'bout skin games
I'm talking 'bout secrets

(And I won't let my heart run away with me)
I'm talking temptation
I'm talking 'bout memories
I'm talking 'bout feelings
I'm talking 'bout emotion

We generate lies
We generate pictures
We generate a video film
That I couldn't let my best friend see

I'd rather lose than forgive you

We generate shame
We generate secrets
We generate a reason for living
And we generate a reason for not

I'd rather hurt than forget you

I can't believe that I'm here
I can't believe what I've seen
I can't believe what I'm doing to you

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Other Gary Numan song Lyrics
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    I want to feel you pull away
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  • Walking With Shadows
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    They've been here.
    Waiting for you.
  • One Perfect Lie
    "One. One perfect lie.
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    And one, one perfect life
    Turned to stone...."
  • My Jesus
    "My Jesus is like a voice in the dark
    My Jesus is like a lonely warning
    My Jesus is like a fear that haunts me
    My Jesus is like a tortured memory..."
  • Listen To My Voice
    "Listen to my voice
    And please try to understand
    The one you call Messiah is a lie
    You are not the plan..."
  • A Prayer For The Unborn
    "So, I prayed
    But you weren't listening.
    Making miracles?
    So, I begged..."
  • Torn
    "Silently I wait alone for you
    I've got to put my fear back in its box
    Silently I feel you breathe on me
    And I hear mercy sigh and leave the room..."
  • Little Invitro
    "I can't believe
    That you're gone and we're alone
    I can't believe
    That we'll never see your face..."

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