Gary Numan - White Light/White Heat Lyrics

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Artist: Gary Numan
Song Title: White Light/White Heat
Visits: 945
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Only one recording of this song by Gary Numan is known, and no official
lyrics are available. It seems that Gary has combined elements from two
different versions of the song - the original Velvet Underground version
and the David Bowie cover - and then added some of his own, which is why
I've elected to credit all three musicians.
Original Velvet Underground Version

White light, go on messing up my mind
Don't you know it's gonna make me go blind?
White heat, it tickles me down to my toes
Have mercy, white light, have it, goodness knows

White light, go on messing up my brain
White light, it's gonna drive me insane
White heat, it tickles me down to my toes
White light I said now, goodness knows, do it

I surely do love to watch that stuff shooting itself in
Watch that side, watch that side, don't you know, gonna be dead and bright
Yeah, foxy mama, watch her walking down the street
Come upside, your head's gonna make a dead end on your street

White light, move in me and drain my brain
White heat, it tickles me down to my toes
White light, I said now, goodness knows

White light is lighting up my eyes
Don't you know it fills me up with surprise?
White heat, tickle me down to my toes
White light, I tell you now, goodness knows

Oh, she surely do move, speed
Watch that speed freak, watch that speed freak,
everybody gonna make it every week
Sputter mutter, everbody's gonna kill their mother
Here she comes, here she comes, everybody get it, gonna make me run, do it

David Bowie's Version

White light - White light gonna drive me out of my brain
White light - White light gonna make me feel so insane
White heat - White shapin' them down to my toes
White light - White light's got it now, goodness knows

White light - White light gonna drive me out of my mind
White light - White light's surely gonna make me blind
White heat - White shaping way down to my toes
White light - White light could kill me now, goodness knows

Oh, Oh, White light
Oh, Oh, White light
Oh, Oh, White heat
Oh, Oh, White heat



CHORUS (twice)

White light's a-flashing

White light
Still feels right
What's that sound, what's that sound
Don't turn on, be dead or alive
No feeling
Here she comes
Oww, yeah
(Oh, oh, oh, oh) here she comes
(Oh, oh, oh, oh)
(Ah, ah, ah, ah)

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Other Gary Numan song Lyrics
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    I want to feel you pull away
    I want to feel you realise
    That I am not love come to play..."
  • Walking With Shadows
    "All my life
    They've been here.
    Waiting for you.
  • One Perfect Lie
    "One. One perfect lie.
    Was it told too soon?
    And one, one perfect life
    Turned to stone...."
  • My Jesus
    "My Jesus is like a voice in the dark
    My Jesus is like a lonely warning
    My Jesus is like a fear that haunts me
    My Jesus is like a tortured memory..."
  • Listen To My Voice
    "Listen to my voice
    And please try to understand
    The one you call Messiah is a lie
    You are not the plan..."
  • A Prayer For The Unborn
    "So, I prayed
    But you weren't listening.
    Making miracles?
    So, I begged..."
  • Torn
    "Silently I wait alone for you
    I've got to put my fear back in its box
    Silently I feel you breathe on me
    And I hear mercy sigh and leave the room..."
  • Little Invitro
    "I can't believe
    That you're gone and we're alone
    I can't believe
    That we'll never see your face..."

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