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How Does a Girl Become a Woman Song Lyrics
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Abelard Look to yourself The truth is within you The truth is around you Look to yourself Trust in yourself Let no power frighten you Let reason enlighten you Look to yourself Lotulfe, William, Alberic Heresy, heresy! Did you hear that? Heresy, heresy! Did you hear that? Heresy, heresy! Did you hear that? Did you hear that? Abelard Not for the mighty nor for the great Truth does not flatter That's not her trait Lotulfe, William, Alberic Heresy, heresy! Did you hear that? Heresy, heresy! Did you hear that? Did you hear that? We don't know what to think until We don't know what to feel until We don't know what to say until We're told Abelard All will be well exploring each mystery And we'll live inventing history The truth will refine us and help us see Flourish within us and make us free Truth's not a prison that locks us in Truth is a mansion in human skin Choir Look at him Look at him standing there No equal anywhere Look at him William Look at him standing there Ruining me, what does he care Twisting the truth around Nothing he says is sound Lotulfe, William, Alberic He must be stopped! Lotulfe He will be Lotulfe, William, Alberic His words are heresy, his words are dignity Choir His words are dignity His words are bravery Lotulfe, William, Alberic His words are blasphemy His tone infuriates Choir His message stimulates Lotulfe, William,-aca
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