Garzilli Enrico - Zero Hour(reprise) Lyrics

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Artist: Garzilli Enrico
Song Title: Zero Hour(reprise)
Visits: 606
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Zero hour!
Zero hour, zero hour
Creeps upon you in the night
Zero hour, zero hour
Don't try to use your sight
Now, what will you do when your back is to the wall
Now what will you do when you pushed will you not fall
Now what will you do when your face is to the ground
Now what will you do when sweet comfort can't be found
Zero hour!
Zero hour, zero hour
Sneaks upon you like a thief
Zero hour, zero hour
Don't try to find relief
Now, what will you do when you're kicked will you not crawl
Now what will you do when you're spinning like a ball
Now what will you do when you're hands are bruised and tight
Now what will you do when you're lost without a guide
Zero hour, zero hour
Turns your flesh and blood to ice
Zero hour, zero hour
Don't make the same mistake twice
Now what will you do when you're cut will you not bleed
Now what will you do when your dreams have turned to seed
Now what will you do when they knife you in the back
Now what will you do when you're tied up in a sack
Zero hour, zero hour
Turns your flesh and blood to ice
Zero hour, zero hour
Don't make the same mistake twice
Now what will you do when they're laughing in your face
Now what will you do when your soul feels in disgrace
Now what will you do when you're hanging by a thread
Now what will you do when they wish that you are dead
Show us what you'll do, teacher
Show us what you'll do, seer
Show us what you'll do, lover, teacher, seer
Show us what you'll do, teacher
Show us what you'll do, seer
Show us what you'll do, lover, teacher, seer, skuller
Lover, teacher, seer, skuller, lover
Zero hour, zero hour
Makes you doubt if you are sane
Zero hour, zero hour
You can't hide the pain
Zero hour!

Zero Hour(reprise) Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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Other Garzilli Enrico song Lyrics
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  • Celebrate
    Do I hold you?
    Do I ask you to go?
    Do I touch you?..."
  • Do I Hold You
    I've seen the troubled look within your eyes
    I've heard the worried sighs behind the smiles
    We knew the risks right from the start..."
  • Dont Turn Away
    When the day is dark and empty
    When the pouting sun has gone astray
    I seek out what's deep inside me..."
  • Fire
    I fly where the winds kiss the blue sky
    To find places scented and lush
    I whisper my dreams to the noon thrush..."
  • Freedom (reprise)
    Abelard! Abelard! Abelard!
    Just look at all these trappings, flags, lanterns. When will these..."
  • Freedom
    Such a cold, unyielding fear
    Why does the wind call out my name
    Swirling storms that move in circles..."
  • He Must Be Stopped
    How do the blossoms know it's spring?
    Who tells the bud that it's a rose?
    How does the blue finch learn to sing?..."

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