Gavin Rossdale - Adrenaline (Xxx Ost) Lyrics

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Artist: Gavin Rossdale
Song Title: Adrenaline (Xxx Ost)
Visits: 684
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You don?t feel the pain
Too much is not enough
nobody said this stuff
makes any sense
we're hooked again

The point of no return
see how the buildings burn
light up the night
such a pretty sight

Adrenaline keeps me in the game
Adrenaline that you don?t even feel the pain
wilder than your wildest dreams
when you're going to extremes
it takes Adrenaline

You don?t feel the pain

Sail through an empty night
its only you and I
who understand
there is no plan

Get closer to the thrill
only time can kill
its in your eyes
their so alive

Adrenaline keeps me in the game
Adrenaline that you don?t even feel the pain
wilder than your wildest dreams
when you're going to extremes
it takes Adrenaline

one third the speed of sound
everything slows you down
all the colors that surround
are bleeding to the wall
all the things you really need
just wait to find the speed
then you will achieve
escape velocity

Too much is not enough
nobody gave it up
I'm not the kind
to lay down and die

Adrenaline keeps me in the game
Adrenaline that you don?t even feel the pain
wilder than your wildest dreams
when your going to extremes
it takes adrenaline

Adrenaline screaming out your name
Adrenaline that you don?t even feel the pain
wilder than your wildest dreams
when you're going to extremes
you taste Adrenaline


You don?t even feel pain
You don?t even feel pain
Cause I'm going to extremes
there?s nothing in between
you don?t even feel pain
you don?t even feel pain
I'm going to extremes

You don?t feel the pain
I'm going to extremes
There?s nothing in between
There?s nothing in between
I'm going to extremes
I'm going to extremes
There?s nothing in between

You don?t even feel pain
feel the pain, feel the pain, feel the pain
you don?t even feel pain
I'm going to extremes
you don?t even feel pain
feel the pain

Adrenaline (Xxx Ost) Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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Other Gavin Rossdale song Lyrics
  • Adrenaline (ost. Triple X (xXx))
    "You don't feel the pain
    Too much is not enough
    Nobody said this stuff makes any sense
    We're hooked again..."
  • Adrenaline
    "You don't feel the pain
    Too much is not enough
    Nobody said this stuff makes any sense
    We're hooked again..."

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