G.B.H. - Wardogs Lyrics

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Artist: G.B.H.
Song Title: Wardogs
Genre: Rock: Punk-Rock
Visits: 875
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We're a bunch of desperados, a brave and fearless crew.
We will work for anyone, we'll even work for you.

Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war.
Money is the cause we fight for

We don't mind facing the dangers, when we're fighting for strangers.
Have no conscience who we kill as long as you can foot the bill.

We'll get your country out of any crisis, as long as you can meet our prices.
We just kill and then get out, march into battle hear us shout.

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Other G.B.H. song Lyrics
  • Race Against Time
    "Put us on a life support machine from the day we're born,
    didn't realise it was just our dawn.
    By the media we've been accepted, but in reality still rejected.
    From the start it won't last,..."
  • Knife Edge
    "On the streets they're after me,
    won't let me go, won't let me be.
    This opression is screwing my head,
    if I ain't careful I'll end up dead...."
  • Lycanthropy
    "Lycanthropy is in his blood,
    and spreads to those he slays.
    Uncontrolled metamorphosis,
    undetectable by day...."
  • Sick Boy
    "I'm strapped into my bed, I've got electrodes in my head.
    My nerves are really bad, it's the best time I've ever had.
    I'm a sick boy and there's no cure.
    I'm a sick boy there should be more...."
  • State Executioner
    "State executioner, there's no hope,
    for the men that hang on th eend of your rope.
    You think you're safe no-one can tell,
    what they'll do when you get to hell...."
  • Dead On Arrival
    "Tracks in his arm made him a man,
    No-one could understand.
    Each night he'd go out shooting skag,
    Met a pusher who sold him a bag...."
  • Generals
    "We'll lead you into victory, you hear the generals say.
    Never look behind you, we're with you all the way.
    Go to bed early, conserve your energy,
    tomorrow we'll be fighting with our enemy...."
  • Freak
    "You're a freak I guess you know .. ..
    you're belong in a side-show.
    The shape of your head, length of your neck,
    on the whole you're a fucking wreck...."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Leather, Bristles, Studs And Acne" album, click "G.B.H. Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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