GE Music (The Grouch and Eligh) - Do What You Can Lyrics
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Do What You Can Song Lyrics
GE Music (The Grouch and Eligh)
Song Title:
Do What You Can
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Do what you can to see
This here is G&E
[The Grouch
You say you're that perfect. Nobody's perfect.
I never make the same mistake twice yeah right
Never take the wrong face on decision in my life
Always have the arch angel hovering over my shoulders
To reduce confusion when angels become a strangle
Hold on my neck although self respect is the key to any success
That addresses itself, the word get money
Two fingers plus one to the pencil at an early age became my stencil
How come the police (whoop whoop) always seem to catch me
(Where?) Mid sin
So when finite cycles could never reach their peak
But then again
I tend to be lazy, when a vision pays my dreams a visit
Can't see the light quite right
The jack on the rack is too big in the headphones
They don't bump the lamp when fully plastered like a night light
I make mistakes, I'm a man and I can't help it
I make mistakes, I'm a man and I can't help it
I make mistakes, I'm a man and I can't help it
I make mistakes, but I'm a man
Do what you can to see
[The Grouch]
The models I choose to follow (uh ha) they must be great
I cannot take the bait of any cause I'm tryin' to make a pretty penny
Quest for the lighting
Put that in my writing (that's right)
Tighten up my inner self
To me that's wealth
I'm stealth with my actions with attraction to a better way of living
Giving my all daily but maybe
I overlook some things
(Can't see) Grab for the wrong tool
Put my foot in my own mouth
I never be a blabbin' fool
Don't rule out The Grouch (nah)
Cool out my word holds weight when I state
I make it up
I might fuck it up ten times
Suck it up and then I'm
Back on the track to pretend
That no one can contend
What women and men don't descend
But I'm a keep learning till the end
And when
I screw it up again
Hey I'm only human
Experiment gone bad
Check me on what I'm doin' (go head)
Glad-ly except it
Sometimes that's a vice
Mistakes are on thing, but I don't take bad advice twice
The price you pay to go the right way
It may be steeper (yeah)
But keep your eyes on the prize
I'm wise for my failures and tries
Mistakes made once and the bunch I made a billion times
I got a zillion rhymes
And I'm still gonna climb back on the horse when I fall off
It's all loss if I don't
It's all loss if I don't
It's all, loss
Do what you can to see. This here is G&E.
Dove into the caves like Jacque Custos
Never heeding the warning feeling stupid
In the morning, don't I know
I could die slow and miserable
Or suddenly if I don't let go
Of the myth that I don't give a fuck that's wrong (yeah right man)
Lookin' like that, might attract, a cat who's got disease
While I'm smokin' cigarette's and beedies
And flippin' these channels to find a smoker with disease
Internet what can yo expect?
That's not my thought though
Abbots walk slow through life
They say you need to quit to give it up
That' right
Cause I like what it does, it fries in the pub when I exhale
The same feeling I feel till the day my lungs fail
That's the words of a stubborn fellow
Quite hard to quit the shit that get me in trouble
Don't mean to bust my bubble
But fuck it
I make mistakes I'm a man and I can't help it
Do What You Can Lyrics
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