Gehenna - Take Back The Rock Lyrics

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Artist: Gehenna
Gehenna Author
Song Title: Take Back The Rock
Visits: 655
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They think that they own this island
with their neon helmets their neon spandex
They clog the roads and don't know how to behave
with their neon helmets their neon spandex
They don't understand this is your and my land
with their neon helmets their neon spandex
The great God Mammon created the wave
for their neon helmets, their neon spandex
Take back the Rock, Who Do you think you are?
Take Back the Rock, With Your Neon Spandex?
Take Back the Rock Get off of My road
Take Back the Rock, Get off of my island!
2nd verse:
They come up from California
To buy up land, buy up souls
They buy a camp and turn it into an estate
when they buy our land, they buy our souls
The raise property vcalues so you can't even live here
when they buy our land, they buy our souls
They see our island and they say how quaint
and then they buy up land, buy up souls
2nd chorus:
Take back the Rock, Who do yuo think you are?
Take back the rock, buying up our land?
Take back the rock, get off of my pripperty
Take back the Rock, get off of my island!
3rd Verse:
Our Dump they try to steal
Those corporations that control us
They destroy our water and our air
those corporations that control us
they provide your next meal
those corporations that control us
what you don't understand is they don't care
those corporations that control us
last chorus:
Take back the Rock, Who do you think you are?
Take back the Rock, controlling us?
Take Back the Rock, Get your hands off my dump
Take back the rock, get your hands off my island!
Take back the rock, who do you think you are?
take back the rock, with your neon spandex?
Take back the rock, get off of my road
take back the rock, get off of my island!
Take Back the rock, who do you think you are?
take back the rock, buying up our land?
take back the rock, get off of my pripperty
take back the rock, get off of my island!
and end

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