Gelo - Dirty Game Lyrics
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Dirty Game Song Lyrics
Song Title:
Dirty Game
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f/ Bandit
Still remember how I rolled for you nigga, took your life in my hand
When you was down and out and feeling like you half of a man
Couldn't stand your own reflection, imperfections of being
Spent the night with the pipe, smoking down to the pain
Plenty thoughts in the dome about taking you on
Already lost a baby mom, the job and the home
Knowing I can't work no miracles but thinking I'd try
Cuz I done watch you lose it all in the blink of an eye
You drink and you die, you smoke and you breathe
You can't believe how your ass went broke over coke and weed
A GB rolling with you, get you rehabilitated
Fat steaks, lifting weights is all it takes and you can make it
Hate it that you're hooked, but look you gots to make it through
And regardless of where withdraws is taking you
Breaking you down, don't come around that often
Guess there's nothing out there stopping when you chasing a coffin
[Chorus x2: Gelo]
Friends come, friends go
It's a dirty game
Win some, lose more
It's a damn shame
If you're rich or you're poor
It's still the same
One day you'll know
That people change
I done put my life back to back through many attacks
Shooting this craps, snatching them sacks
Used to pack the same heater when we banged on the blocks
Had the same ass dope that we slanged in the socks
Can't stop, the money's too good but the hood's too hot
Stayed busy trying to make a could out of could not
Would not have played you out for nothing up in the world
Found out you're running your mouth to my little baby girl
How it took me by suprise, realise that you're a traitor
Double agent on the inside, the worst kind of hater
But I'm greater than you'll ever be, that's why they come back telling me
How they seen you a couple days and all the ways you was selling me
Girls names, phonenumbers, who I'm hitting on the under
Wondering why my homey wanna ever play me phony
But fuck them and fuck you, everybody in your crew
I gots to do what I gots to do, fuck what you're going through
[Chorus x2]
That's why I roll alone, can't trust no one
Watch my back day to day cuz these streets no fun
You never can tell a shiesty individual
This is real from the note of a criminal
Cuz they're the ones that smoke blunts with ya
See the picture, now they wanna grab the guns and come and hit ya
Or better yet when you make it real big
Fake fools come around from the days of kids
Plus I can see it inside your face
You at the wrong time plus the wrong place, gun in ya face
Shoot up the place no matter what the race
In these streets we keep it live like an LA car chase
Phat Bandit pulling cards with the homey Gelo
Down to die, staying high like the Hills of Chino
All for the money, all for the fame
All against the rules for life cuz it's a dirty game
[Chorus x2]
Dirty Game Lyrics
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About To Go Down
"f/ Lil' Rob
Only takes about a minute then I'm in it again
Always filling up a vega so my day can begin
And end without a hastle over verbal confrontation..."
Gangsta Pimp
Back up in this biatch
You know..."
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