Gemini - Doctor Doctor Lyrics

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Artist: Gemini
Song Title: Doctor Doctor
Visits: 814
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f/ Bizzy Bone

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Doctor, doctor, what's going on?

Can you tell me what's going on?

Everything keeps going, going, going wrong

Doctor, doctor, I'm out of time

And I keep looking for a sign

I keep getting closer, closer, closer to the other side

I think I'm running out of time, running out of time

Looking for a sign, looking for a sign

Can you tell me what's going on

Anything's that going on

Can't seem to tell what's going on, going on, going on

Can you me where I'm going

Am I going down

What am I supposed to feel

Am I having doubts

Life is not always showing

Am I safe and sound

The truth and what is really real

See I'm living all alone

Playing solitaire

But it's kinda hard

When all the cards ain't there

And I'm starting to dig

All the voices inside my head


Doctor, doctor, what's going on?

Can you tell me what's going on?

Everything keeps going, going, going wrong

Doctor, doctor, I'm out of time

And I keep looking for a sign

I keep getting closer, closer, closer to the other side

I think I'm running out of time, running out of time

Looking for a sign, looking for a sign

Can you tell me what's going on

Anything's that going on

Can't seem to tell what's going on, going on, going on

Seems I am always thinking

Of many things

Of how my life used to be

I'm doubting me

Before my world started sinking

I don't wanna drown

I used to feel so free

But now my back's against the wall

Can't see light at all

Every time I try and play pool

It takes my ball

And I don't care about nothing at all


Doctor, doctor, what's going on?

Can you tell me what's going on?

Everything keeps going, going, going wrong

Doctor, doctor, I'm out of time

And I keep looking for a sign

I keep getting closer, closer, closer to the other side

I think I'm running out of time, running out of time

Looking for a sign, looking for a sign

Can you tell me what's going on

Anything's that going on

Can't seem to tell what's going on, going on, going on

Bizzy Bone:

And you're losing your mind

Trying find out what's going on

Whole wide world

Baby get up

But she's hurt all over

And you're losing your mind

Trying find out what's going on

Whole wide world

Baby get up

But she's hurt all over

I don't care about nothing, nothing, nothing

(repeat 8x)

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