Generation X - Running With the Boss Sound Lyrics

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Artist: Generation X
Song Title: Running With the Boss Sound
Visits: 698
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Yesterday by the paper stand

I felt the power of another religion

Rebels with a cause came out of the sun

And spoke the only language they'd been given

Creepers tapping out the beat as I felt the heat

Man they sure looked neat

Well tonight for sure

You could feel the same as me

We didn't have to fight

On the other side of town

Running with the boss sound,

Running with the boss sound,

Running with the boss sound

In the day we use machines or brains

Cos we need hard cash for living

And later between tracks & raps with friends

We'll find some time for loving

Stratocasters straff the sky

As Disco Johnny hustles by

Man those feet can fly, high

Well tonight let's dance and risk romance

Baby let's take a chance

We'll make it in a single bound

Running with the boss sound,

Running with the boss sound,

Running with the boss sound

I feel it in the air and I know that you're there

We won't let you down

The phantoms of the underground

Running with the boss sound,

Running with the boss sound,

Running with the boss sound

Racing wild with the radios blasting

Out ready steady go

As we rip through the charts

Crashing like angles

At the end of rocks rainbow

Electricity runs in my blood like Gods

Man if you could see it

By tonight for sure you'd be the same as me

A junkie needing more

Our feet burning up the ground

Running with the boss sound,

Running with the boss sound,

Running with the boss sound

Yeah we're burning up the ground

Where the rockabilly beat pounds

With the ska rhythm pressing down

Where the skinhead moon stomp pounds

Where the heavy metal comes down

When the punk rockers are round

Yeah you and I are found,

Yeah you and I are found

Running with the boss sound,

Running with the boss sound,

Running with the boss sound

Running With the Boss Sound Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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    All I want is the truth
    Just gimme some truth..."
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    When two punks chose to risk the subway
    For a tube to Picadilly..."

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