Genius - Animal Planet Lyrics

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Artist: Genius
Song Title: Animal Planet
Visits: 695
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Welcome to the Jungle where the cat loves to scratch
The rat squeals
And the polar bear feasts on the blubber of seals
The pack of wolves be scheming on a bunch of gazelles
Where the leopards grab the wilderbeast down by it's tail
You see the chimps they grow hips they hustle and sling in trees
Elephants for security that move tons of leaves
The bluebirds arrest parrots that love to talk
or eagles that stalk fresh-water trout under the wing of the hawk
You see the vultures pick the pocket of whatever remain
In the brain we watch but a shadow of the lion's mane
Whose roar is loud enough to take the stripes from a zebra
He camouflage his bets and his spots of a cheetah
Shouldn't gamble with a cheetah and not expect to get beat
You silly goose you know he move fast on his feet
Now you're neck deep in depth with a bunch of lone sharks
So you move on a colony of ants with aardvarks, you see
Most of the everglades controlled by the gators
It was crashed by the crocs who came years later
See the locusts had swarmed with the bees
the tick moved with the fleas
The dragonflies and the wasps shared with the seas
The crab and the leeches sucked your blood flow
And they laugh like hyenas when they out to catch dough
See a million mosquitos from the West now
Carrying the virus that made the boars less wild

[Hook x4 : GZA]
It's like the jungle sometimes

Out of fear of the deer watch for the eye of the tiger
The Clutch from the Cobra and the venomous viper
Boa-constrictors that cut your circulation
Mosts of their prayers die from broke bones and suffocation
The owls are private eyes that watch from the bark
Black panthers are the militant who strike in the dark
Porcupines had a rep' for sticking everything that moved
In areas that the rhinos and hippos approved
And the giraffe was a look-out for gorillas in the mist
And the bats use their sonar to guide and assist
Those pelicans who smuggle contraband for the whale
While the skunks spray the scent to keep the dogs off the trail
The scorpion set up a sting for sly foxes
that use stool pigeons just to keep them in the boxes
While the black widow laid a web for the bachelor
like daddy-long-leg and his hype man, tarantula
They both prey on grasshoppers beetles and flies
And they all become instant meals the moment it dies
What costs little, is a little worth
so some lose they lives wandering on the wrong turf
From birth they grow up walking the thin line
It's like the jungle sometimes

[Hook x4 : GZA]
It's like the jungle sometimes

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