Genius/GZA - Come Do Me Lyrics

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Artist: Genius/GZA
Song Title: Come Do Me
Visits: 652
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* - only available on the original LP
replaced by "Pass the Bone" on the re-release

Here I am loungin' at a hype party
Then I see this lady with a hellafied body
With a pair of bedroom eyes that were clocking The Genius
Well, you see what I mean is
She had the look as if she was attracted
To me so what I did, I reacted
In a manner to show that I was feeling the same
Now check out the game
I said lovely, I be The Genius and how ya doing?
I'm on a chase and you're the one that I'm pursuing
She said it's the pleasure Genius, I'm doing kinda fine
But what's on your mind?
I said

Come Do Me

I said sexy, where you live over yonda
What's your name?
She said it's Yolanda
She said she knew me from back in the days
And that I had her running on a wild sex craze
I said now you're kinda big and well-developed
And parts of your body just made my head swell up
She said her feelings were so deep for me
To the point where she wanted to sleep with me
I said c'mon babe, I know you're jokin'
She said if I'm jokin' you must be smokin'
I said the only think I wanna be smokin' is your boots
And she said "I hear ya troop"
And just from that little bit of conversation
It put my hormones into activation
The whole thing just went to my head
As I held her hands and said
Baby, come do me

Hey good looking how many times may I say
That your gorgeous smile takes my breath away
Your soft warm little voice is very pleasing
And your tight mini-skirt is kind teasing
Me, it makes me wanna do the nasty
And you got the look of being very classy
So go ahead and whip it on me
As Latifah said,"gimme that body"
So you see right there I desire you
I'm not a pimp and I don't want to hire you
Cuase that's not what The Genius is about
Let my love slide in and never slip out

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  • Beneath the Surface
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    Where unskilled skaters, couldn't figure-8 twice
    At 16, uncut, direct from the cult
    Head on assault, the result, death by the bolt..."
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  • Cold War
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