Genius/GZA - Unexplained Lyrics

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Artist: Genius/GZA
Song Title: Unexplained
Visits: 648
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When a mothafucka steps out his place
N' gets slapped in his mothafuckin' face
Just because the mothafucka tried to base
The G.O.D., the G.O.D.

N' while I see his whole clique passes by
Mothafuckaz think they qualify
N' for those niggaz want to try
The G.O.D., the G.O.D.

I'm not caught up in politics
I'm no black activist on a so called scholar's dick
I come through with the Wu N' drop math
N' versatile freestyles bombs N' phonographs
N' deliver all things N' other in weight
Searched to death, on how livin' things relate
Cuz at a young age, I was molded in a religion I relied on
N' got caught up in superstition
Scared to split pole, duck black cats
Once in a while, threw salt over my back
But with knowledge of self from off the shelf
Made things seemed complicated now small like elves
So turn off the lights, light a candle N' have a seance
Pull the lid off the Dean Martin scandal
Witches warlocks spooks N' holy ghosts
RZA let's defraud the host

When a mothafucka steps out his place
N' gets slapped in his goddamned face
Just because the nigga what he tried to base
The G.O.D., the G.O.D.

N' while I see his whole clique passes by
Mothafuckaz think they qualify
N' for those niggaz want to try
The G.O.D., the G.O.D.

We were on the same ship when the slaves were checked
I had to pull your card you was on the top deck
So I plotted my escape, I saw the thin line between love N' hate
N' fast from the hog on the plate
I suffered brutal pains, from whips N' chains
Punishments that were set to wash the brain
So look, listen, observe N' also respect this jewel
Drawed up, detect n' reflect this
Light I shine, that cause my power to be find
Through the truth, which manifest through eternal minds
Purified gasses N' masses the same elements
That helped spark civilization classes
I see brothers quote math plus degrees
Look at professor ass niggaz can't feed they own seeds

When a nigga steps out his place
N' gets slapped in his mothafuckin' face
Just because the nigga what he tried to base
The G.O.D., the G.O.D.

N' while I see his whole clique passes by
Mothafuckaz think they qualify
N' for those niggaz want to try
The G.O.D., the G.O.D.

When a mothafucka steps out his place
N' gets slapped in his goddamned face
Just because the nigga what he tried to base
The G.O.D., the G.O.D.

N' while I see his whole clique passes by
Mothafuckaz think they qualify
N' for those niggaz want to try
The G.O.D., the G.O.D.

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    The first shall be last and the last shall be first..."
  • Beneath the Surface
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    Where unskilled skaters, couldn't figure-8 twice
    At 16, uncut, direct from the cult
    Head on assault, the result, death by the bolt..."
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    Can you read me? Extorted your rhymes
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  • Cold War
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    Don't be afraid, bad dreams are only dreams
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