Geoff Moore And The Distance - Tell Me Again Lyrics

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Artist: Geoff Moore And The Distance
Song Title: Tell Me Again
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"Tell Me Again"
(Words and Music by Geoff Moore and Steven Curtis Chapman)

Verse One
A little boy sitting on a metal folding chair,
In what appears to be a Sunday school room.
He could see that shepherd boy, His sling up in the air,
He could feel that giant hit with a boom.
In that room I saw the Red Sea part,
And two by two animals get in the ark.
And Mrs. Keen gently would say,
The God of the past is still God today.

So tell me again of the old, old stories.
Tell me again of the faithful who walked,
In the lions' den and the fiery furnace,
Of Noah and rainbows and donkeys that talked.
I don't want to forget so please, tell me again.

Verse Two
A young man sitting at a desk with a wooden chair,
In what appears to be a high school class.
He can see a battlefield there's giants everywhere
saying, "The Bible is a thing of the past".
In this new age you believe what you want to believe.
'Cause god is whatever you want it to be,
And I can hear Mrs. Keen gently say,
The God of the past is still God today.

So tell me again of the old, old stories.
Tell me again of the faithful who walked,
In the lions' den and the fiery furnace,
Of Noah and rainbows and donkeys that talked.
I don't want to forget so please, tell me again.

How the God of the ages,
Turned history's pages and saw my need.
Tell me again of the shepherds and wise men,
And the star that would lead them to the baby who was born,
So that we could be born again.

Second Chorus
Tell me again of the Gospel story.
Tell me again how the whole world was lost.
How the Only Begotten with grace so amazing,
Gave up His life on an old rugged cross.
I don't want to forget so please, tell me
Tell me again of the old, old stories.
Tell me again of the faithful who walked.
How the Only Begotten, with grace so amazing,
Gave up His life on an old rugged cross.
I don't want to forget so please, tell me again.
I dont' want to forget, so please, tell me again.

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    Hey now people come along with me,
    Take a little ride down through history...."
  • Called To Hope
    "When life's river
    Becomes a trickling stream
    I've got to remember
    He will make a way to find the sea..."
  • Come To Me
    "Wasn't it yesterday I was eight years old
    A pocket full of rocks
    That I knew were made of solid gold
    There were girls to be hated..."
  • Declaration
    "Verse One
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    When We're Willing To Break New Ground
    And How The Fields Turn White..."

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