George - 11 Breathe In Now Lyrics

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Artist: George
Song Title: 11 Breathe In Now
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Breathe In Now

i see love and beauty all around
i also see the sadness that's embedded in your frown
i wonder why you choose not to talk to those who surround
i sense a fear of lifting heavy feet
higher than you want to, i just want to believe your truth....

you stand there but you do not cast a shadow
you walk away with every word you choose not to say
i suppose that moving on paints a new colour for each day
i don't like to see dreams put on the shelf
to deal with on that one day
i just want to be happy for you

cause i only have one second, this minute today
i can't press rewind and turn it back and call it now
and so this moment, i just have to sing out loud
and say i love i like and breathe in now
and say i love i live and breathe in now

i move on holding on to what i learn
it's time to let go of the notion
that the whole world's against me
break free of shackles that formed young
time free in now and now i know
it's not all up to me, i can count on another
so move on lighter and be free....

cause i only have one second, this minute today
i can't press rewind and turn it back and call it now
and so this moment, i just have to sing out loud
and say i love i like and breathe in now
and say i love i live and breathe in

i believe in for today, i just want to know that you're okay
cause i believe in breathing just for today
i just want to know that you're okay......

cause i only have one second, this minute today
i can't press rewind and turn it back and call it now
and so this moment, i just have to sing out loud
and say i love, i like and breathe in now
and say i love, i like abd breathe in now

and say i love, i live and breathe in now.....

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