George Canyon - The Shaft Lyrics

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Artist: George Canyon
Song Title: The Shaft
Visits: 638
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Can you smell that McDonell it don't smell so well

Or the one in the cage tipped over and fell

And if we lived to see Sunday be able to tell

Of the terror below and the place we call Hell

'Cause it's a shaft that will feed us and the shaft that will kill

Our brothers and fathers who die by her will

The fishing is slow and there's work to be done

So I'll put on my hat and I'll go underground

Now I fear for my children, I fear for my wife

And if I don't make it back now I've had a good life

For there's a cave in behind us only one way to go

Down deep in the shaft so far below

'Cause it's the shaft that will feed us and the shaft that will kill

Our brothers and fathers who die by her will

The fishing is slow and there's work to be done

So I'll put on my hat and I'll go underground

What do you say to a family of one

Who don't come back up with the rest

Is it better to let them just mourn by themselves

Or tell 'em he was one of the best

There's a flash above head, is it fire or light

McDonell lies seethin' the draggers in sight

And a few hours later we'll be smellin' sweet air

With all of our children the stores we'll share

Of the shaft that will feed us and the shaft that will kill

Our brothers and fathers who die by her will

The fishing is slow and there's work to be done

So I'll put on my hat and I'll go underground

So I put on my hat and I go underground

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