George Clinton And The Funkadelics - Icka Prick Lyrics

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Artist: George Clinton And The Funkadelics
Song Title: Icka Prick
Visits: 679
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let's get the cue track, ok right, what?)
Ahh-ahhh, ahhh
Oh, you ain't seen obscene yet
We gonna be nasty this here time
Check it out, huh
Can you imagine this?
Put on some protection for your ears
?pussy serving land?
Like John Henry the steel drivin' man
Who with a hammer and spike in his hand
Said it's what's up front that cunt
Lifting weights with his tits (icka prick and iron pussy)
Doing pushups with his clit (yucka fuck and muscle cunt)
Icka prick and iron pussy
Yucka fuck and muscle cunt
There ain't no decent dick in Detroit
Ho, grossin out!
Icka prick and iron pussy (nasty can be ?)
Yucka fucka muscle cunt
If you think that's nasty
Follow me to the men's room
Watch me write on the wall (icka prick and iron pussy)
Suck my mind

This is equal-opportunity nasty
Here, that helps???
Take it off, take it all off, hey!!
Icka prick and iron pussy (pumpin' to please!)
Yucka fuck and muscle cunt (without humps there will be no gettin' over)
Icka prick and iron pussy
And still, there's no decent dick in Detroit
Icka prick and iron pussy (and that's a gross point of view)
Yucka fuck and muscle cunt (oh you don't???)
Icka prick and iron pussy
Oh, serving pussy from the shoulder
Oh, yeah, you'll get knocked up listening to this (ahhh-ahhh-ahhh)
You'd better put some protection on your ears
This is graffilthy! (ahhhh-ahhh-ahh!)
Can you imagine this?
Get that thing out of here, boy
Icka prick
You're sick!
Who you gonna stick? (can you imagine this?)
That's a counterfeit dick
The shape of things to come
Can you dig it
Can you imagine this?

Icka prick and iron pussy
Yucka fuck and muscle cunt
I can't ????

This ain't about penetration
It's about tenderness and concentration
Friction what gets you off
Oh, you ain't seen obscene yet
Follow me to the men's room
Watch me write on the wall
I'll tell it all
Flush you before I go
Wash out my mouth with soap
And shit-talk some mo'!
Let's discuss disgusting
You ain't seen obscene yet
You haven't seen this ??? before
While he's serving pussy from the shoulder
She's serving dick from the head (You haven't seen this ??? before)
Let's discuss disgusting

We gonna be nasty this year (mmmhmmmm)
Elmo MacNasty, mental masturbation
Psychological perversion (hey, hey)

Can you imagine this
Let's go do a quickie
Don't take your clothes off
Follow the ho-ho lines
Freakin' behind the naval blockade
Lookin' through your belly-button window
Let's discuss disgusting
Her pussy is on the steel-wool rag
Penetration is a drag
It seems like there's no decent cunt in Detroit
Of course, I like to watch

Ahhhhhh, ahhhhh (x3)
She lifts weights with her tits
He does pushups with his clit
Can you imagine
I lift weights with my tits, owww
Can you imagine

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Other George Clinton And The Funkadelics song Lyrics
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    Dee da da-da
    Dee da da-da, da-da da-da da-da
    Dee da da-da..."
  • Alice In My Fantasies
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    Alice in my fantasies, uh
    Promised to do all kind of freaky things to me..."
  • America Eats Its Young
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    A luscious bitch she is, true
    But it's not nice to fool mother nature..."
  • Atmosphere
    "Good evening, boys and girls
    Welcome to another evening of
    "I hate that word called dick"
    I hate that word called "dick"..."
  • Atomic Dog
    "Yeah, this is a story of a famous dog
    For the dog that chases its tail will be dizzy
    These are clapping dogs, rhythmic dogs
    Harmonic dogs, house dogs, street dogs..."
  • Baby I Owe You Something Good
    "You came along just in time my love
    Self pity had got me down
    You saved me from me, and from the bottom of my heart
    Baby I owe you something good..."
  • Back In Our Minds
    "We are back in our minds, again
    We don't fight no more
    We done close that door
    This time for sure..."
  • Balance
    "Balance is my thing
    The sun don't
    Snow, wind and rain
    Most times..."

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