George Clinton And The Funkadelics - Mommy Whats A Funkadelic Lyrics

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Artist: George Clinton And The Funkadelics
Song Title: Mommy Whats A Funkadelic
Visits: 668
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If you will suck my soul
I will lick your funky emotions
(Hey baby, hey...had something last, it was taste so was some
good stuff)

Do it again
Hey baby
What's your thang?
What say we touch each other?
Mess around and get our thing goin' on
Yeah, ha, ha, ha!
Ohh, ohh

Ba-ba ba ba ba
Ba-ba ba ba ba
Ba-ba ba ba bomp bomp buh buh buh buh bah!

By the way, my name is Funk
I am not of your world
Hold still, baby, I won't do you no harm
I think I'll be good to you
Fly on
Hmm, hehhehheheh

Like I said, I won't do you no harm
I am Funkadelic
Dedicated to the feeling of good
And baby, I'm good at being good
Let me play with your emotions
For nothing is good unless you play with it
Fly on
Fly on, baby

I didn't make the rules
I follow them
And what's so nasty about funky music?
Heh, heh, feels good to me!

Ba-ba ba ba ba
Ba-ba ba ba ba
Ba-ba ba ba bomp bomp buh buh buh buh bah!

Whoa! Yeah!
Wait a minute
Do you feel that?
Lord, baby
Fly on
Fly on, baby

Let me kiss your mind
Let me slide a yard of tongue down your throat
There's nothing wrong with that
Merely a kiss
Why is everyone afraid to say:
Kiss me baby! (make it?)
Whoa, yeah
Kiss me baby!

Kiss me
I like it like that
I like it like that
Play with it, baby
Play with it
Play with your emotions
Go ahead, brother

Release all of those feelings
We don't need no words
Just feelings
Do it again brother, oh!
One more time, oh!

I recall when I left a little town in North Carolina
I tried to escape this music
I said it was for the old country folks
I went to New York
Got slick
Got my hair made, hehheheheh
I was cool, heh heh
I was cool
But I had no groove, hehheheh
No groove, no groove, no groove, no groove
I had no groove
But here it comes!
But now, fly on baby
Here it comes
Cuz I got it
Fly on baby
You got it
Dig, baby
You got it
You got it now
You got it
Fly on
Fly on sisters
Play on brothers

Ba-ba ba ba ba
Ba-ba ba ba ba
Ba-ba ba ba bomp bomp buh buh buh buh bah!

Can you feel that baby
It's called Funkadelic music
It will blow your funky mind
(rolling on the one, tape's in motion

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Other George Clinton And The Funkadelics song Lyrics
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    Dee da da-da
    Dee da da-da, da-da da-da da-da
    Dee da da-da..."
  • Alice In My Fantasies
    "Hey baby, be my dog!
    Alice in my fantasies, uh
    Promised to do all kind of freaky things to me..."
  • America Eats Its Young
    "assorted groans, whispers, wails & moans}
    A luscious bitch she is, true
    But it's not nice to fool mother nature..."
  • Atmosphere
    "Good evening, boys and girls
    Welcome to another evening of
    "I hate that word called dick"
    I hate that word called "dick"..."
  • Atomic Dog
    "Yeah, this is a story of a famous dog
    For the dog that chases its tail will be dizzy
    These are clapping dogs, rhythmic dogs
    Harmonic dogs, house dogs, street dogs..."
  • Baby I Owe You Something Good
    "You came along just in time my love
    Self pity had got me down
    You saved me from me, and from the bottom of my heart
    Baby I owe you something good..."
  • Back In Our Minds
    "We are back in our minds, again
    We don't fight no more
    We done close that door
    This time for sure..."
  • Balance
    "Balance is my thing
    The sun don't
    Snow, wind and rain
    Most times..."

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