George Formby - A Lad From Lancashire Lyrics

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Artist: George Formby
Song Title: A Lad From Lancashire
Visits: 839
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No matter where I go, London, Paris, Mexico.
Anywhere on Earth, they know my place of birth.
I met a girl from London when she sat on Blackpool Pier,
She said she could tell, Im a Lad from Lancashire.
She said, "Are you a nudist?" So I blushed and said, "No fear".
Im covered up like a Lad from Lancashire.

North or South, when I open my mouth, they know that Im not Dutch,
They can tell I come from Lancashire, but they cant tell me much.
I whispered, "Ill be nudist if youll be the same my dear."
She said, "No fear, with a Lad from Lancashire.
A widow nice and young and gay said, "Come to tea my dear,
Ive something nice for a Lad from Lancashire."
We sat down on the sofa and I felt her creeping near,
I said, "Hee Hee! take care, Im a Lad from Lancashire."

North and South, when I open my mouth, they know that Im not Dutch,
They can tell I come from Lancashire, but they cant tell me much.
The widow started kissing me and tickling my ear,
I tickled her, like a Lad from Lancashire.
I went with Jane down Lovers Lane, she whispered in her ear,
"Now do your best for a Lad from Lancashire."
She said to me when on my knee, "You cant do that there ere."
I said, "Hey Hey! I can, Im the Lad from Lancashire."

North and South, when I open my mouth, they know that Im not Dutch,
They can tell I come from Lancashire, but they cant tell me much.
That night when Jane got home again her Ma said, "You look queer,
Ill bet thas been with that Lad from Lancashire.

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